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Growing amongst dry rocks and scree in the high Andes of Chile and Argentina at between 800-2700m, this lovely sub-shrubby alpine makes compact rosettes of leathery, hairy leaves and several thin, branching stems carrying delicate, deep yellow to orange pouches. ... Learn More$2.95
Native to Chile and Argentina, this lovely alpine forms low, compact rosettes of hairy leaves from which arise wiry stems each bearing a pair of inflated golden pouch flowers marked with tiny red spots. It performs well in moist but well-drained soil, especially a rock garden alpine trough, or gravel scree. ... Learn More$2.64
Bright yellow flowers open with purplish stripes inside the pouch and attractively speckled outside. This delightful plant comes from high altitude in Chile, close to the timber line, and blooms easily the first year from seeds . A very versatile plant, it is ideal for use in rock gardens, borders or even containers to supply a dazzling bright splash. ... Learn More$2.95
Inflated, pendent pouches, speckled red inside, hand from dividing thin stems, which arise from rosettes of pointed leaves, an unusual feature for this genus. Calceolaria falklandica is native not only to the Falklands but also to the Andes Mountains of Chile down to Patagonia. The genus name means "small shoe." ... Learn More$2.64
Probably new to cultivation, this lovely Chilean species will thrive best in a moist, shady corner, maybe in a deep pot or even a shady bed, as in the wild it inhabits wet stream edges and damp ravines. The broad leaves open into basal rosettes of emerald green, from which arise long thin stems topped with lemon-yellow balloon-like blooms. It blooms very quickly from seed and can even be grown as an annual. ... Learn More$3.63
Calceolaria integrifolia is a small, tender, bushy, evergreen sub-shrub with oblong, veiny, matt-green leaves with hairy undersides and with clusters of bright yellow, pouch-like flowers. This native of Argentina and Chile blooms from late spring through to early autumn. ... Learn More$2.95
Superb in a rock garden, this true-seeding, ground-hugging, hybrid plant (C. plantaginea x C. polyrrhiza) is highly sought by collectors of rock garden plants. The bright yellow flowers are large in size, with purple spots on the pouch. It has no woody stems and being a hybrid of two species that are native to very cold parts of South America, can thus take severe cold. ... Learn More$2.95
This very rapid-growing plant is ideal for a burst of colour when all else has failed. A sturdy mass of thin branches carries thousands of small, bright yellow pouches. It absolutely thrives in a hot Mexican-like spot! ... Learn More$2.40
These rare dwarf woody sub shrubs grow at altitude in the South American Andes, right down to Patagonia where they descend nearly to sea level. With showy massed bunches of sizeable, lemon-coloured, slightly flattened inflated pouch-flowers on strong graceful stems, they are easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. They appreciate and deserve shelter from excessive winter wetness, and therefore are even better in the rock garden, or even as a pot plant! ... Learn More$2.95
(100+ seeds)