All Flower Seeds

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Displaying seeds 1606 - 1620 of 2551 in total

    M. spicata is a vigorous rhizomatous perennial forming an extensive colony of erect stems bearing spearmint-scented, lance-shaped leaves, and small light purple flowers in interrupted terminal spikes. Aka herb spearmint. ... Learn More


    (400 seeds)


    In late winter and earliest spring the curious corms of these little beauties send up crowds of inch-wide, pale-pink star-flowers, making them ideal candidates for an alpine trough or sand bed, where they will self-seed readily and spread by underground runners. They are found in the wild from eastern Europe through Russia into Iran where they grow in grasslands in moist, sandy soil, often up to an altitude of 1400 meters. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    An easy to grow dwarf annual bedding flower which produces bright, colourful, daisy-like blooms throughout the summer. 'Harlequin' can tolerate dry conditions and sandy soil and its free flowering habit makes it an ideal plant for ground cover or to brighten up rock gardens, walls and paths. ... Learn More


    (300+ seeds)


    Numerous curious, lantern-like buds open into a huge candelabra of branching stems holding fantastic, pure white, passion-flower-like blooms, beginning in early summer and continuing until August if dead-headed. One of the world's most astonishing and spectacular flowers, this arrestingly beautiful plant is actually easy to grow either as a biennial or as a short-lived perennial. An unusual member of the Campanula family, it is native to Lebanon and Israel, the genus Michauxia beings named after King Louis XVI of France’s royal botanist, Andreas Michaux, who travelled to America during the la ... Learn More



    A rare and stunningly beautiful plant coveted by all who see it. Numerous waxy, pendent buds open to pure white, madonna lily-like flowers with reflexed strap-like petals, opening over a long period. But oh dear, what do you say when friends ask its name? ... Learn More



    An evergreen tree native to the Himalayas, Myanmar, Tibet and Yunnan. Fragrant, milky white flowers emerge in the spring, which are about 6" in diameter when fully open. The bark is dark grey, which also holds fragrance, and the wood is well known for building homes and furniture in certain parts of the world. It prefers full sun to light shade, does not tolerate wind and must not dry out. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    The best golden grass growable from seed has dazzlingly bright, canary-yellow leaves. Of its best in spring and especially in a shady spot. In commerce "Bowles' Golden Grass" is often the most expensive grass seed in the world! ... Learn More


    (60+ seeds)


    This uncommon plant resembles none of the common mimulus, or "monkey flowers". It is an erect woody-stemmed plant, which produces bright tomato-red pinched snapdragons from June onwards amongst downy foliage on tall woody stems. ... Learn More



    "Monkey Flower". This lovely Chilean flower produces a succession of red-spotted bright yellow "snapdragon" flowers from earliest spring. It will grow in moist soil or will grow equally well with its feet in water, when it spreads with gay abandon, making a glorious floating carpet of flowers all summer long. ... Learn More



    Originating from the foothills of the Andean mountains of Chile, this new and adorable, low-growing, spreading perennial makes clumps of hairy, sparsely-toothed, pale to mid-green leaves, above which open most unusually-coloured trumpet-shaped flowers. These are borne in late spring and summer, and are white to cream-coloured, overlaid with a pink to purple flush, fading to cream at the edges, with the tongue spotted purple. ... Learn More


    (30+ seeds)


    This absolutely amazing mimulus bears masses of blue "snapdragon" flowers, a rare colour in this genus, on strong erect stems over an extended period from late spring to early autumn. Small thin pointed leaves clad the stems on this lovely hardy and reliable plant which will grow almost anywhere but excels in good moist soil or even in shallow water! ... Learn More



    This exotic looking climber, with twining stems ideal for rambling over trellises and fences, produces impressive trusses with up to 12 flowers per spike producing a spectacular combination as they age. They start off a most powerful and stunning bright red, maturing from red to orange, orange to yellow and from yellow to white, some of each combination being in flower simultaneously. These plants when positively loaded with flowers are an impressive sight. ... Learn More


    (15 seeds)


    This pretty and rarely-seen high alpine plant makes small cushions of needle-shaped leaves with white, starry flowers on thin delicate stems. It thrives in the harshest of conditions often on almost bare rocky outcrops and serpentine soils, which harbour a distinct and unique flora rich in endemics. Minuartia laricifolia has two ecologically distinct subspecies with disjunct distributions. Subsp. laricifolia on siliceous rocks in the western Alps and eastern Pyrenees, and subsp. ophiolitica on serpentine in the northern Apennines. Few seeds collected. ... Learn More


    (15 seeds)


    M. jalapa is a bushy, tuberous perennial often grown as an annual, with fragrant flowers opening in the afternoon, in a wide range of colours, and sometimes bi-coloured. ... Learn More


    (100 seeds)


    These colourful, cheerful plants have the common name “Four O’Clock Plants” because the flowers open in late afternoon, and indeed they remain open until the following morning, and on cloudy days, they may not close at all! Curiously, flowers of different colours can sometimes be found simultaneously on the same plant. They are grown as annuals in colder countries but will in fact make perennials in warmer climes. ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)

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