All Flower Seeds

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    Muhlenbergia capillaris, commonly known as pink muhly grass, is a warm-season, clump-forming grass species that adds a touch of elegance to landscapes. Muhlenbergia capillaris has a tufted, clump-forming growth habit. The grass typically forms dense, fountain-like mounds of slender foliage. The foliage consists of narrow, linear leaves that are typically green but can take on a reddish or bronze tint, especially in the autumn. The most distinctive feature of pink muhly grass is its airy and feathery pink to purplish-pink inflorescences. The flowering plumes are borne on arching stems and creat ... Learn More


    (100+ seeds)


    Individual plants grow to between 3-7 m high, but can reach up to 12 m, with leaves around 3 m in length and 90 cm in width. As the leaves are coloured red on their underside with shoots growing from a creeping, elongated, underground rhizome. The plants thrive best in shade or filtered sun, as intense direct sun can damage the leaves. Unusually, this wild banana has pink fruits and in its native south-east Asia, they are an important wild food source for Asian elephants .This species is increasingly under threat in the wild commercial agriculture is now clearing much of the irreplaceable ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    A superb, almost hardy, new species of ornamental banana from the Himalayas. The strong vigorous leaves are often tinged with ruby red tints. Very hardy and wind tolerant. Ideal for a large container or border. ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)


    This quick growing banana from the Himalayas has a grey stem, with new leaves being tinged red on the underside, darkening to green as they grow further. Flowering in July with beautiful red flowers, the edible fruits are then produced in October of the same year. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    A most attractive dwarf banana with red-midribbed shiny green leaves. Strikingly bright pink, red and orange flowers finally produce bright pink fruits. A superb specimen for a garden in hot countries or a large pot elsewhere. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    The stubby clusters of flowers of this lovely plant are purple, blue (with a white fringe), or white, and it is hardy, easy to grow, and has long-lasting blooms, and no garden should be without them. They have their common name because their clusters of small, bell-shaped, deep-blue flowers resemble clusters of upside-down grapes. An additional benefit is that all Muscari have a strong fragrance, so the more you plant, the more fragrance you get ... Learn More



    A lovely variety with pale, powder-blue flowers with white rims flowering from March to April. Although this variety is reputed to be sterile, we received this seed with this name attached.... ... Learn More


    (15 seeds)


    The fragrant, long-lasting, pastel-blue flowers of the grape hyacinth ‘Ocean Magic’ contrast beautifully with other spring bulbs such as small daffodils and species tulips. Flowers arise in mid-spring on erect, leafless, ankle-high stems whilst the clumps of grass-like leaves appear in autumn and persist throughout winter and most of spring. ... Learn More


    (15+ seeds)


    This popular species blooms early, in March in some areas, with turquoise blue frilled bells with indigo stripes on noticeably tubby flowers. They self-sow freely, providing more flowers to enjoy the following year, grape hyacinths being hardy, easy to grow, and having long-lasting blooms. ... Learn More


    (30+ seeds)


    This is the original, and very well-known and loved "Grape Hyacinth". In a rock garden it is short and not too leafy with deep blue flowers tipped with white at their open ends. It will gently self-seed when happy, but makes a welcome splash of blue in spring when little else is around. Absolutely bone hardy, it originally came from woodlands throughout eastern Europe and the Balkans. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Originating in south-east Europe to Turkey and Iran, and described by Polunin as "a striking plant", these are the most unusual "grape hyacinths". The "Tassel Hyacinths", at 40cm, with their cluster of brilliant violet sterile flowers held above the creamy-brown fertile flowers, are one of the tallest varieties, and are almost as tall as kniphofias. They are also much later flowering, in May rather than the more normal March-April. ... Learn More


    (15 seeds)


    From clumps of thin fleshy leaves arise bell-shaped crowns of purplish blue, sometimes almost black, flowers. The flower heads appear two-toned due to paler crowns, which are the sterile flowers. Grape hyacinth is good for naturalizing in gardens or lawns, for forcing or growing in container displays, and for rock gardens and although it will produce seedlings, it does so in a restrained manner, never exceeding its welcome. ... Learn More


    (35 seeds)


    This highly attractive plant has flowers of a deep richest blue, an effect unbroken except that each tiny flower is picked out with a delicate white crinoline-edge. They are natives of rocky hillsides in central Asia, but will do well in any well drained soil in a sunny spot and are fully cold-hardy. ... Learn More


    (15 seeds)


    In spring, spikes arise, covered with grape-like, long-lasting blooms, the bottom flowers being deepest, darkest, Oxford blue. Grape hyacinths are hardy, very easy to grow, and have long-lasting blooms, being particularly spectacular when allowed to naturalize. ... Learn More



    A very rare and stunningly attractive plant originating from Madeira. However, unlike the similar and equally lovely michauxias, this plant is perennial. After a year or two building up energy to perform, the hairy rosette explodes into a firework display of numerous branching stems carrying greenish-yellow bells. Everyone who sees it finds it remarkable. ... Learn More


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