All Flower Seeds

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    The huge bright yellow blooms of this lovely flower open early in the morning and close when dusk begins to fall, each day seeing a different bloom opened. Plants grown from seeds bloom in the first year and are often grown as a tender summer annual, planted in spring and dug up again in autumn for storing in a dry frost-free place. Coming from dry places in South Africa it needs all the sun available, as this not only encourages flowering, but also ripens the bulb to ensure a similar display the following year. Few seeds collected. ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)


    Clusters of charming, sugar-pink, three-petalled flowers appear over a long period on long, fleshy, erect stems, which are clad with quite awesome tongue-shaped leaves. Growing this gorgeous plant from Tropical America as an annual, is a worthy use for those in colder areas. If you have a shady corner to fill up with a lush, exotic-looking plant, this one will grow rapidly into a dense mound, and it will even self-seed as the seeds are frost-proof. This should be on your “I wouldn’t want to be without it” list. ... Learn More


    (12 seeds)


    Golden-eyed yellow flowers open amongst attractive, densely-packed, silver-backed, vine-like, foliage. Originally found in Mexico, this unusual plant can be grown as either an annual or a perennial when it will become almost shrub-like. Its main claim to fame though is its astonishing ability to make the soil more fertile, and it is often grown entirely for this purpose. Incredibly, just to recap on your school chemistry, when used as an environmentally and ecologically sound fertilizer, it contains 1.76% Nitrogen, 0.82% Phosphorus, and 3.92% Potassium. By comparison, all three properties are ... Learn More


    (12 seeds)


    Greenish-yellow flowers, grouped in a dense spike, are mounted on a straight and stiff stem, and open from June to August on the high mountains of Gotland, Estonia southward to the Pyrenees, Montenegro and the Ukraine, where they live in swamps and wet grasslands. These unusual plants used to be variously in the gentian and lily family, but now reside in the Tofieldiaceae! ... Learn More



    Very striking, violet or bright lavender-purple flowers open on this lovely spreading dwarf cushion plant. In the wild, flowering can be as late as July in the higher mountains, and as early as May in lower mountain ranges, such as the Tendoy Range. One of the loveliest high alpines, "Mountain Townsendia" may be found on dry open places, often in sand or gravel, among rocks or on cliffs, and can be found at elevations from 7000 to over 8500 feet. Very few good seeds collected. ... Learn More



    This drought-tolerant, almost stemless plant from the mountains of the United States, opens its large white to pink flowers with a prominent yellow button disk. It blooms in early spring on dry hillsides where its grey-green, hairy narrow leaves make gorgeous, very compact cushions. Whether grown in a pot, or as a beautiful rock garden specimen it is always superb, but as with many members of the compositae family rarely makes much viable seed! We offer a few good reliable seeds patiently sorted out from the handfuls of dead pappus. ... Learn More


    (12 seeds)


    This very handsome American plant has numerous large, long-rayed, golden-eyed white flowers which open on very short stems above a silvery dome of thin leaves. Incana is Latin for "hoary", and refers to the conspicuously white-hairy stems which are much whiter than the leaves. Whether grown in a pot, or as a beautiful rock garden specimen it is always superb, but as with many members of the compositae family rarely makes much viable seed! We offer a few good reliable seeds patiently sorted out from the handfuls of dead pappus. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Large single flowers are borne on short,upright stems in early summer, and consist of purple-blue ray florets and yellow disc florets. These plants slowly form solid clumps of hairy leaves and are one of the favourite scree, tufa and show plants. This alpine treasure comes from high elevations in western North America and will require good drainage, whether in the garden or in a container. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This rare high alpine flower is endemic to Colorado in the USA where it lives in the snow-melt area. Here it makes low, tight cushions of thick, glabrous, slightly hairy leaves, with golden-eyed blue flowers that hug the cushion, opening on the shortest possible stems. This gem is more easily grown in the rock garden than T. hookeri, and it needs good drainage. But to obtain a prize-winning specimen for a show it will do best in the alpine house. Few good seeds collected. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This very long-lived and most attractive palm is probably the only one which is completely hardy in the UK. However it is best grown in a sheltered spot to preserve the beauty of the impressive fan-shaped leaves. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Impressive large fans of pleated leaves, which are much more divided than those on the normal variety, adorn a slender fibrous trunk and bring an instant touch of the Mediterranean to your garden. Despite its delicate appearance, this plant is hardy across most areas of the UK and tends to be quite slow-growing so that you can be sure it will not be too quick to overwhelm whatever space you give it. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This stunning palm has large, nearly-circular leaves, and when mature forms a smooth, grey, bare trunk. It has a very restricted geographical range in the wild and is found only in an isolated pocket in the Sikkim Himalayas in north-east India which is immediately threatened by destruction. This palm has only recently been introduced into cultivation, but is about to make a huge impression in the palm world! It is heat-resistant and hardy: -10 to -12°C (14 to 10°F) . ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)


    Throwing up tall, stately, purple-rayed blooms, rather like an elegant showy form of chicory flower, this superb plant flowers from late spring and for most of the way through the summer. It is cultivated for its ornamental flower, edible roots, and herbal properties and grows wild in many places being one of the most widely known species of the salsify family. As a winter vegetable it is very fashionable among chefs and makes one of the best winter dishes, having an unusual fragrant taste. In addition it can be introduced to flower beds and borders, as well as amongst grass to create a wild f ... Learn More


    (15 seeds)


    This novel and fascinating plant has bright yellow flowers which open in the morning before suddenly closing at midday, hence its common name of "Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon". But then the surprise happens! The previous day's enormous and impressive, apple-sized, "dandelion clock" opens with large radiating seeds, from huge ripe buds. It can self-seed if happy, but only in a small way. ... Learn More


    (50+ seeds)



    An extremely rare, choice and delicate perennial plant, it is aptly named for its gorgeous feathery white flowers which appear in clusters atop slender stems, creating an airy, cloud-like effect. The attractive foliage consists of narrow, grass-like leaves that grow in compact tufts at the base of the plant. This very seldom offered protected endemic from the Southern Andean foothills is well-suited for rock gardens, borders, and alpine settings. Due to its compact size and graceful appearance, it will attract pollinating bees and butterflies. True seed, collected from a private mountainside g ... Learn More


    (20+ seeds)

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