All Flower Seeds

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Displaying seeds 2701 - 2715 of 2759 in total
  1. VIOLA ODORATA seed image


    The "Devon Violet" or "Sweet Violet" must be too well know to need a description, but for the record, makes a creeping carpet of fragrant leaves (yes!), and long-stemmed, perfumed blue flowers opening with the snowdrops in February, and on into spring. This is botanically the single form of the "Parma Violet", which normally has double or semi-doubled flowers, and never sets any seed, having to be propagated from cuttings. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Viola odorata 'Alba,' commonly known as White Sweet Violet, emerges as a dainty and fragrant perennial within the Violaceae family. Celebrated for its simplicity and purity, this cultivar of the sweet violet charms with its delicate white flowers and the sweet, nostalgic fragrance it imparts to early spring gardens. Unfolding its allure with heart-shaped leaves that form a low-growing rosette. Rising above the foliage are ethereal, five-petaled, white flowers with a contrasting yellow center. The blooms, often delicately veined, exude a sweet fragrance that lingers in the air, attracting po ... Learn More


    (20 seeds)


    This diminutive, and rarely encountered gem lives in damp and even wet, boggy spots in moist meadows, marshes, and stream banks in northern parts of North America and Eurasia. In the UK it is confined to cold, high moorland areas where it displays its short-stemmed, pale lilac flowers over spreading mats of small cordate leaves. In the right spot it will slowly spread, stem-rooting, to make a low carpet of leaves and flowers. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Strong sprays of sizeable, deep purple, early spring flowers open amongst long, thin, arrow-shaped leaves in late spring and early summer. Soundly perennial and dying down to a winter bud resting underground, this is the true rare Chinese form of this most attractive flower. ... Learn More


    (20 seeds)


    "Common Violet". Its popular name does not do justice to this lovely plant, indeed it is not as common as it used to be. Producing drifts of blue-purple flowers from April to June, it will happily naturalise in a mixed border or on a gravel drive, associating well with wild primroses. Seed collected from plants in our own wildflower meadow. ... Learn More


    (20+ seeds)


    This rare, and surprisingly hardy violet grows at great altitude on the Brazilian and Japanese mountains, where it exists in wet rocky cracks forming low, stoloniferous, slowly spreading, octopus-like plants, which root as they touch the ground. In time this becomes a large colony producing an endless, year-round display of short stemmed creamy-white flowers, with a delicately purple-pencilled lower lip, above oval, hairy leaves. Picture has buds only, but there are flower pictures online....sorry! ... Learn More


    (16 seeds)


    Bright golden faces delicately laced and netted in black make this one of the new 'Must-Have' plants. We have selected this stunning viola for several generations and it comes rewardingly true from seed. ... Learn More


    (25+ seeds)


    This is a rare variant of the normally blue-flowered shrub, one plant of which was discovered on the Greek island of Kos. Strong branches bear fragrant leaves, almost exactly identical to those of cannabis plants, which terminate in most attractive clusters of fragrant, pinkish-mauve flowers. It is also called Chaste Tree, Chasteberry, Abraham's Balm or Monk's Pepper, as it was once used to flavour stews in monasteries, (not recommended for honeymooners). It is a native of the Mediterranean region and although hardy here on the UK south coast in Devon, it may need shelter elsewhere. It is ... Learn More



    Strong branches bear fragrant leaves, almost exactly identical to those of cannabis plants, and terminate in most attractive clusters of fragrant blue-mauve flowers. Vitex agnus-castus, also called Chaste Tree, Chasteberry, Abraham's Balm or Monk's Pepper, was once used to flavour stews in monasteries, (not recommended for honeymooners). It is a native of the Mediterranean region and although relatively hardy in Devon, it may prefer shelter elsewhere. It is one of the few temperate-zone species of Vitex, which is generally a genus of tropical and sub-tropical flowering plants. ... Learn More


  10. VITIS AMURENSIS seed image


    Vitis amurensis, commonly known as Amur Grape or Siberian Grape, is a vigorous, deciduous climbing vine native to the Amur River region of Siberia, China, and Korea. This cold-hardy species is known for its ability to withstand temperatures as low as -40°C (-40°F), making it one of the hardiest grapevines available. The plant features large, deeply lobed, green leaves that turn vibrant shades of red, orange, and purple in autumn, adding ornamental value to landscapes. Small, fragrant flowers bloom in late spring to early summer, followed by clusters of edible, dark purple-black grapes in late ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Up to 10 tall spikes of small yellow star shaped flowers appear from dramatic strappy pleated leaves and are displayed from spring through to summer. A large and dramatic waterside plant originating from South Africa, it needs full sun and damp peaty soil. Will tolerate light frost. Definitely a statement plant. ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)


    An incredible, brand new hardy plant from the riversides of the African mountains. This vigorous selection from W. rivularis will run gently underground, giving a long succession of very large ivory-white flowers from June until late August. ... Learn More



    Dazzling clusters of perfumed orange flowers absolutely smother the canopy of evergreen foliage on this biennial, bushy plant. It should be sown in spring or late summer for blooms the second year when the appealing fragrance of the flowers makes them a good choice for flower arrangements. They are also a great addition to any landscape or meadow planting. Butterflies and bees love this late-spring-through-summer, long-blooming flower. ... Learn More


    (150+ seeds)


    These dazzling flowers will provide a stunning display in early spring. Their sumptuous orangey/red colour looks amazing when teamed with rich plums and purples, or can add an extra vibrancy to yellow, orange and red schemes. Often grown as a biennial plant, wallflowers perform best in full sun where their bright, fragrant flowers will shine. They look particularly effective in a large patio container or at the front of a sunny fertile, well-drained border. ... Learn More


    (100+ seeds)


    These neat, dwarf plants complement perfectly spring bulbs and early pansies. Tightly packed clusters of slender, deep purple buds open to vibrant cherry-red flowers that are deliciously scented – and popular with pollinators. Just right for containers and beds, where space is limited or to underplant tall bulbs, they will continue to bloom until the end of May, thriving with a little deadheading. ... Learn More


    (100 seeds)

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