Perennial Flower Seeds

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Displaying seeds 1441 - 1455 of 1710 in total

    This hardy, "encrusted" type of Saxifrage, native to the United States, forms neat, tight rosettes of evergreen, dark-green, silvery edged, narrow leaves, and sprouts 15cm high stems bearing sprays of white flowers in April and May. Plants achieve best results in well-drained soil in a sunny position. ... Learn More


    (20+ seeds)


    This diminutive mat-forming, evergreen perennial bears small, dense rosettes of tiny, oval to oblong, lime-encrusted, silvery grey-green leaves and slender, red-flushed stems, bearing narrow, flat sprays of cup-shaped, white flowers in late spring and early summer. Perhaps one of the best 'encrusted saxifrages' the silver rosettes are very tiny and densely packed. A really choice alpine making a wonderful trough plant or for chinking into rock crevices. ... Learn More



    Striking, reddish, hairy stems hold clusters of nodding, bright purplish-red flowers above rosettes of grey-green, lime-encrusted leaves which in time produce impressive hummocks. Best grown in an alpine house or in a scree or rock garden, this lovely gem is found throughout the mountains of Balkans and Turkey. ... Learn More



    This mixture will include most of the varieties we offer separately, and also a few rare and unknown species which are in too short supply to offer individually. These should include Spp. such as aretioides,canaliculata, corymbosa, marginata,opositifolia, and many more. ... Learn More



    These lovely white star-shaped flowers with red calyces are borne on thin, wiry stems from June to August, and are marked with orange at the centre of each petal. These dwarf plants, which make tiny rosettes of fleshy, notched leaves, live in damp environments, such as on wet cliffs, beside streams or springs, or on wet rock ledges. ... Learn More



    A very rare Catalan species blooming from June to August with almost stemless, disproportionately large, yellow-throated, white funnel-shaped flowers which are so dense as to often obscure the tight cushions of foliage, which are composed of most unusual, sticky, tacky, aromatic leaves (due to hairs on the leaves and stems). Its sole locus is in Eastern Spain, in the vicinity of Montseny near Barcelona. ... Learn More


  7. New


    Scabiosa atropurpurea ssp. maritima, commonly known as the Maritime Pincushion Flower, is a captivating flowering plant that adds a touch of elegance to gardens and landscapes. Belonging to the Dipsacaceae family, this perennial herbaceous plant is native to coastal regions, particularly thriving in maritime climates. The Maritime Pincushion Flower boasts intricate, spherical blooms that are a rich shade of deep purple, lending a regal and sophisticated air to any garden. These flowers, resembling a pincushion, are characterized by a dense cluster of tiny florets, creating a captivating vis ... Learn More


    (20 seeds)

  8. New


    Scabiosa fama Deep Blue is a captivating perennial, renowned for its striking deep blue blooms that bring an elegant touch to the garden. With its growth pattern forming clusters of lush basal foliage, this herbaceous beauty sends up tall, wiry stems adorned with intricate, pincushion-like flowers. These deep blue blossoms grace the garden with their captivating presence from late spring well into the heart of summer, ensuring a sustained burst of vibrancy. Reaching a moderate height of 45 to 60 centimetres, Scabiosa fama Deep Blue offers a mid-sized allure, complemented by its deeply lobed, f ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This quite unique dwarf variety grows to a compact dome shape, ideal for the front of a well drained border or rockery. It produces countless lilac flowers which smother the plant in the summer months. ... Learn More


    (12 seeds)


    Crowds of wiry stems support dainty, pale yellow pincushion flowers over clumps of finely-cut foliage. The plant will appreciate sun and fertile soil and will seed itself around your garden if you allow it, and regular dead-heading will ensure a long-lasting display. The butterflies and bees will be regular visitors during the flowering season, from July until August. ... Learn More


    (15+ seeds)


    A rare new giant from the Mountains of South Africa. Stout broomstick-like stems, with attractive wrinkled leaves, carry a long succession of ivory white flowers from July until October. ... Learn More


    (100+ seeds)


    This clumping, evergreen perennial with silver-green, grass-like leaves 15cm long is covered with tufts of silvery hairs. Summer-borne flowers are solitary, light purple, up to 4cm wide, and held on strong, narrow stalks. The name pincushion perfectly fits the description of the flower, with its rounded form. Bees and butterflies love this plant, which likes dry, hot, sunny conditions and would be suitable for a dry, sheltered wall. ... Learn More


    (10+ seeds)


    With its clusters of creamy white flowers, this must be one of South Africa's prettiest indigenous perennials. Growing in small clumps, the countless flower heads stand on long, naked stems above the finely divided, almost fern-like leaves, which form opposite each other along the lower part of the stems, gently moving with the slightest breeze. On warm summer days, butterflies cover these filigree mounds for this is one of their favourite nectar plants. A long succession of beautiful flowers appears from early spring to the middle of summer. ... Learn More



    A gorgeous, slowly-spreading plant, producing 'pincushion' flowers on many branching stems over a very, very long flowering season, often into winter!. This rarely seen colour makes a bright splash even in the darkest corner. The dense, double, scabious like flowers are a brilliantly strong crimson-cherry-red, a rare colour in border flowers, and in time it makes a large, neat, rounded bushy plant producing countless flowers which are also excellent for cutting. Although its alternative name is Knautia, (pronounced 'naughtier'), this easy to grow, strikingly beautiful plant, thankfully doesn ... Learn More


    (40 seeds)

  15. New


    Scabiosa vestita, commonly known as the Hairy Pincushion Flower, is a captivating perennial that enchants with its unique features and graceful appearance. Belonging to the Dipsacaceae family, this plant is native to regions with diverse climates, showcasing its adaptability. The Hairy Pincushion Flower is renowned for its distinctive hairy stems and leaves, which contribute to its charming and textured aesthetic. The intricate blossoms of Scabiosa vestita are a delightful blend of lavender and lilac hues, forming intricate pincushion-like flower heads. Each bloom consists of a central dome ... Learn More


    (15+ seeds)

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