All Flower Seeds

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Displaying seeds 2041 - 2055 of 2551 in total

    Huge, bright green, shiny leaves adorn this lovely thick-trunked Cretian form of the "Castor Oil Plant". This is the quite rarely offered, true wild form, bearing dazzling, bright red flower buds and seed pods amongst large dark green leaves. If grown in warm climates it will ultimately make a sturdy tree. Please note that these seeds are extremely poisonous if eaten. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This striking compact variety of the fast growing caster oil plant will add drama to any border or bed and is ideal as a screen or can be grown in a pot. It has attractive large dark red, metallic palmate leaves with deeply incised lobes. Bright, eye-catching spikes of small scarlet flowers which are attractive to bees and butterflies are followed by prickly seed capsules. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This selected form of Ricinus, the "Castor Oil Plant", has brighter red leaves and seed heads than many other forms, the deep red/bronze shiny leaves only producing their strongest leaf colour when in full sun and as it matures, and please note, the first few leaves will just be green! This absolutely stunning plant will in time grow into a tree in warmer countries. Please note that these seeds are extremely poisonous if eaten. ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)


    Gorgeous sprays of fragrant creamy-white or pink star-shaped flowers are borne in open panicles on woolly, red-brown stalks. Impressive, strongly veined, horse-chestnut-like leaves form a solid mound on this robust, clump-forming plant. The Royal Horticultural Society have deservedly given it the Award of Garden Merit (AGM). ... Learn More



    Fluffy plates of brilliant pink flowers turn into crimson seed heads, above impressive clumps of mahogany-bronze burnished pinnate leaves. Although it is outstanding in rich or boggy soil, it puts up a superb show wherever you decide to put it, apart from a hot dry bank! ... Learn More



    Sprays of delicate white flowers open on short stems, above rosettes of rounded, fleshy leaves on this beautiful little deciduous,tufted plant which blooms in spring and is dormant in summer when it dies down to small tubers. This rarely seen or grown plant is native to the coastline of western North America from far northern California north, where it grows among rocks on ocean side bluffs. ... Learn More


    (25 seeds)


    Probably the best and most robust of all of the "Mistmaidens", this really pretty plant makes an attractive clump of shiny, almost circular, dark green fleshy leaves, that could have been carved from wax. Pushing through this cushion appear sprays of pretty, milky-white flowers. This lovely plant finally dies completely away in the heat of summer to deep, underground tubers. Native to western North America from California and north to Alaska, it is totally hardy. ... Learn More



    Although it dies down in winter, this substantial gem creates a shrub-like effect in summer, with many upright, branching stems clothed in leathery, silver-grey glaucous leaves. These are topped with fat buds, which open into spectacular poppy-like flowers with golden-yellow centres, and crumpled tissue-paper-like petals pinned together with the mass of yellow stamens. It thrives best in a warm, sunny sheltered position. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Sizeable, yellow-throated, bright pink flowers open early in the year, usually January, very close to the ground, surrounded by narrow foliage. The insides of the flowers are marked with decorative, fine filigree markings of deeper red-purple, almost verging on black, and this is also present as streaks and lines on the outside of the flower at the base, and is even visible when the flowers are closed. Coming from western South Africa, it thrives outside in a well-drained sunny spot, or under alpine glass in a well-drained, loam-based compost. ... Learn More


    (10+ seeds)


    This species is one of the best-known species from the genus Romulea and is probably the easiest and best species for the outdoor garden. The flowers have 2-3cm long tubular flowers of gorgeous violet-purple, with a white and yellow throat, held on short wiry stems above very narrow wiry leaves. These plants, with the desirable habit of self-seeding, resemble the more common and perpetually popular crocus, with which they are apparently in convergent evolution. It is native to Europe and mainly the Mediterranean region. ... Learn More


    (60+ seeds)


    This is the pure white form which produces 2-3 cm. long tubular flowers with a white and yellow throat, held on short wiry stems above very narrow wiry leaves. These plants, with the desirable habit of self-seeding, resemble the more common and perpetually popular crocus, with which they are apparently in convergent evolution. It is native to Europe and mainly the Mediterranean region. This species is one of the best-known species from the genus Romulea and is probably the easiest and best species for the outdoor garden. Few seeds collected. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Dazzling golden flowers erupt from tight clusters of thin leaves very late in the season when most others have finished flowering, giving this plant extra value. This very pretty flower from the mountains of South Africa will do best in a warm scree or sheltered rockery, or even better in a container of gritty compost where the bulbs can slowly expand each year. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Pale lilac, delicately pencilled flowers with a yellow centre, one to three per stem, open as soon as the snow melts at high elevations in its home in Syria, Lebanon and Israel. The upright growth and delicate, diminutive flowers are two of the distinctive features of this rare gem. It will do best in a pot in the alpine house or maybe a well-drained scree outside. Few seeds collected. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Gorgeous flowers, 18 to 25 mm wide, of deep rosy-pink or dark old-rose with small purplish blue or greyish blue blotches, are held on short wiry stems above very narrow wiry leaves. These rare plants, with the desirable habit of self-seeding, resemble the more common and perpetually popular crocus, with which they are apparently in convergent evolution. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Strong, vigorous plants open thick-petalled, deep purple flowers early in the year on thin, wiry stems which erupt from compact tufts of thin leaves. Looking remarkably like a crocus, these fabulously coloured plants have a strong constitution, and are ideal in a sunny spot with fertile soil and good drainage, or in a container where they will bulk up reliably. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)

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