All Flower Seeds

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Displaying seeds 2506 - 2520 of 2551 in total

    Strong branches bear fragrant leaves, almost exactly identical to those of cannabis plants, and terminate in most attractive clusters of fragrant blue-mauve flowers. Vitex agnus-castus, also called Chaste Tree, Chasteberry, Abraham's Balm or Monk's Pepper, was once used to flavour stews in monasteries, (not recommended for honeymooners). It is a native of the Mediterranean region and although relatively hardy in Devon, it may prefer shelter elsewhere. It is one of the few temperate-zone species of Vitex, which is generally a genus of tropical and sub-tropical flowering plants. ... Learn More



    Up to 10 tall spikes of small yellow star shaped flowers appear from dramatic strappy pleated leaves and are displayed from spring through to summer. A large and dramatic waterside plant originating from South Africa, it needs full sun and damp peaty soil. Will tolerate light frost. Definitely a statement plant. ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)


    An incredible, brand new hardy plant from the riversides of the African mountains. This vigorous selection from W. rivularis will run gently underground, giving a long succession of very large ivory-white flowers from June until late August. ... Learn More



    Dazzling clusters of perfumed orange flowers absolutely smother the canopy of evergreen foliage on this biennial, bushy plant. It should be sown in spring or late summer for blooms the second year when the appealing fragrance of the flowers makes them a good choice for flower arrangements. They are also a great addition to any landscape or meadow planting. Butterflies and bees love this late-spring-through-summer, long-blooming flower. ... Learn More


    (150+ seeds)


    These dazzling flowers will provide a stunning display in early spring. Their sumptuous orangey/red colour looks amazing when teamed with rich plums and purples, or can add an extra vibrancy to yellow, orange and red schemes. Often grown as a biennial plant, wallflowers perform best in full sun where their bright, fragrant flowers will shine. They look particularly effective in a large patio container or at the front of a sunny fertile, well-drained border. ... Learn More


    (100+ seeds)


    These neat, dwarf plants complement perfectly spring bulbs and early pansies. Tightly packed clusters of slender, deep purple buds open to vibrant cherry-red flowers that are deliciously scented – and popular with pollinators. Just right for containers and beds, where space is limited or to underplant tall bulbs, they will continue to bloom until the end of May, thriving with a little deadheading. ... Learn More


    (100 seeds)


    A very old established dwarf variety of neat habit with clusters of scented, velvety crimson-red flowers. When planted in groups, they bring a splash of sheer drama to your garden. With a beautiful scent, these easy to grow flowers are loved by flower arrangers and pollinating insects alike making them a must for any gardener. ... Learn More


    (100+ seeds)


    Unusual in this genus because of its height, this fishtail-like palm from the Himalayan region has a solitary trunk and large, stiff, feathery leaves arranged in opposite rows in the same plane. An extremely unusual looking palm, the leaves form just two rows on either side of the trunk, so that looking down on the palm from above, the leaves would all form a single straight line. The long, attractive leaflets are dark green above, and greyish white underneath. ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)


    This famous medium to large evergreen palm has a tree-like growth habit, and a sturdy columnar trunk crowned by beautifully shaped, fan-like, waxy gray-green blades, up to 3-6 ft. long (90-180 cm). Erect at first, they spread and arch from stout, spiny petioles, and unlike other palms, the dead leaves fold down against the trunk rather than dropping off. This palm tree is sometimes called " Petticoat Palm" in reference to the shaggy mass of dead leaves hanging against the trunk and forming a dense skirt. In summer, gorgeous, creamy-white, tubular flowers are produced in huge sprays, up to 15 f ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This tall, vigorous, stylish and elegant palm quickly grows a stout trunk, wider at the bottom, and rather thinner than its sister species Washingtonia filifera. Grown worldwide, it is probably most famous from the avenue plantings in California. Trunks are topped by a crown of large (1.5m wide or more) fan leaves that have loose threaded margins and often a purplish brown patch at the base of the leaf stalk. Although sometimes scorched by frost below -5C or so, it quickly regrows when the weather improves and replaces the damaged leaves. It is native to western Sonora and Baja California Sur ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Large, vibrant, rose-pink, fragrant, tubular, trumpet-shaped flowers sit upon tall stems rising to more than one metre, and these bloom from late spring to early summer. Occasionally white-flowered seedlings may appear. Foliage is attractive fans of sword-shaped, iris-like green leaves. The genus name honours Sir William Watson (1715-1787), English scientist and physician, who discovered this species on the island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean, once called Ile Bourbon in honor of the Bourbon kings of France. ... Learn More


    (20 seeds)


    The lovely Bugle Lily, native to the hills of South Africa, has sword-shaped leaves above which open delicate, soft-apricot coloured flowers, borne on a tall spike-like inflorescence, and that do actually resemble a bugle. Seeds ripen in late summer and finally in late autumn clusters of small brown bulbils form high on the dying stems, and can be easily picked off to start new colonies elsewhere before they fall! ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)


    The lovely Bugle Lily, native to the hills of South Africa, has sword-shaped leaves above which open delicate, soft-apricot coloured flowers, borne on a tall spike-like inflorescence, and that do actually resemble a bugle. Seeds ripen in late summer and finally in late autumn clusters of small brown bulbils form high on the dying stems, and can be easily picked off to start new colonies elsewhere before they fall! ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    In early summer strong erect stems display heads of stunning, brilliant orange flowers which bloom for many weeks, making it a constantly-producing amazing cut flower. A protected location such as close to a south or west facing wall is preferable, where it is capable of freezing to the ground in extreme cold, and then re-growing vigorously, and still blooming in late spring to early summer! Rich, well-drained soil with regular summer moisture will ensure constant flowering, but if allowed to go completely dry in summer, just as with other watsonias, it will die back, returning with the firs ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This popular shrub bears clusters of bright pink, funnel-shaped flowers in spring and is the perfect specimen for a large shrubbery or even for growing in a lawn. ... Learn More


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