All Flower Seeds

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Displaying seeds 346 - 360 of 2746 in total

    This relatively compact but quite fast-growing oriental-looking tree bears extremely beautiful, fragrant, pink, five petalled orchid-like flowers. The branches are clad with large, deeply two-lobed leaves. Native to South China and south east Asia, it thrives outdoors in such places as Hawaii, coastal California, southern Texas, and Florida. Although the tree can stand a small amount of frost it will also do well in a conservatory. Very easy to grow from seed, in traditional medicine systems it is often used to treat various disease. ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)


    One of the world's most gorgeous and desirable trees bearing clusters of large, sweetly-scented, magenta or pink, orchid-like flowers, which are variegated with a striking yellow flash, and open in great profusion. The branches are clad with large, deeply two-lobed leaves. Although the tree can stand a significant amount of frost it will do best in warm countries or a conservatory. ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)


    A most valuable and exceptionally beautiful, evergreen twining plant for the cool greenhouse or conservatory, with rich green leaves that are hairy beneath, and bearing on well-ripened wood an abundance of beautiful, large, white, fragrant, bell-shaped flowers from spring until late summer. A strong and heavy climber, this plant will need a strong structure, as without support it will form a large mound, rather like a wisteria. Although Beaumontia is a tropical vine, it can tolerate a light frost for short periods. ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)


    This rare and fabulous shade garden perennial, only recently introduced from China, has evergreen heart-shaped leaves, each with a deeply-polished lustrous shine. In early summer thin, delicate stems arise bearing white starry flowers. This plant prefers moist, humus-rich, well drained soil in part shade to perform of its spectacular best, when it will perplex and thrill all who are privileged enough to see it. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Sizeable, golden-eyed, ivory-white flowers open on tall stems above fleshy leaves. Resembling an anemone rather than a typical begonia, this extremely rare plant is endemic to the high tropical or subtropical montane forests of Equador, where it is threatened by habitat loss and classified as vulnerable by IUCN. (The International Union for Conservation of Nature). In colder areas the plant may be cut to the ground, but the tuber invariably sprouts again the following spring. ... Learn More


    (20+ seeds)


    Large stunning clusters of bright red flowers are displayed on this scrambling shrub which is rare in cultivation, and will make a magnificent and easily grown ornamental for warm temperate climates. One of the world's largest begonias, it can grow up to 3 m tall in its native haunts in the cloud and montane rainforests in Colombia and northwestern Venezuela, where it is happy at between 1700 and 4000 m. ... Learn More


    (20+ seeds)


    This is the pure white version of this rare and fabulous begonia hardy down to zone 6 or more! Most attractive, fleshy, olive green foliage with deep red veins beneath, displays beneath dividing red stems of bunches of fragrant white flowers 3cm wide. It blooms from summer right into very late autumn! Planted in moisture-retentive but freely draining soil, and mulched well with bark this hardy begonia can be grown outside all the year around. It has top growth hardy to minus 2 degrees C, but the tuberous roots have always survived every winter, even frozen at minus 10C here! And in very late ... Learn More


    (100 seeds)


    Yes! A rare and fabulous begonia hardy down to zone 6 or more! Most attractive, fleshy, olive green foliage with deep red veins beneath, displays dividing red stems of fragrant light pink flowers 3cm wide. It blooms from summer right into very late autumn! Planted in moisture-retentive but freely draining soil, and mulched well with bark this hardy begonia can be grown outside all the year around. It has top growth hardy to minus 2 degrees C, but the tuberous roots have always survived every winter, even frozen at minus 10C here! And in very late autumn it produces numerous bulbils between ... Learn More


    (50+ seeds)


    Begonias are usually prized for their unusually attractive leaves and this one is at the top of the league! Its leaves resemble those of a maple tree, however, they are enormous, up to 30cm across, and much more spectacular, with serrated edging and bright green centres that contrast dramatically with the deep purple of the rest of the leaf. The solid rhizomatous clump is composed of giant leaves surrounded by a contrasting wide black-green border, all being held at the end of red-speckled leaf petioles. Growers have reported that this variety has proved reliably hardy to 15 degrees F making i ... Learn More


    (20+ seeds)


    This lovely shrub-like perennial and low-maintenance houseplant displays large, asymmetrical, deeply-folded, dark green leaves with a superb metallic sheen, and striking red veins underneath. Large clusters of hairy, pink flowers open on sturdy, thin, erect stems. Coming from Brazil, it prefers temperatures above 10 °C (50 °F), so in temperate regions it is best grown under glass, or planted out in spring when it is sufficiently warm. At lower temperatures it may lose its foliage and die down but will re-sprout again with increasing warmth. ... Learn More


    (20+ seeds)


    Very late in the year, as daylight hours shorten, clouds of confetti-like flowers with prominent bright yellow anthers open, en-masse, atop the strong flower stalks. Because it only flowers when the weather is cool, if only in comparison to that of spring and summer, it is an impressive foliage plant during the warm months, with visual impact with its amazing leaf size and overall scale. As an annual in a warm climate, this astounding plant gathers strength all season, soaring to four or even six feet by frost. But in even warmer or hot climes, the "tree" begonia makes good on its name, with t ... Learn More


    (20+ seeds)


    Clusters of purple-spotted-orange flowers appear from midsummer onwards into early autumn. In a sheltered position it will multiply and slowly spread, or for more controlled flowering it does well in a large container. ... Learn More


    (20+ seeds)


    This attractive bellevalia has bi-colored inflorescence, flowers turning from a bright lilac-blue to pale brownish green on opening with long basal leaves spreading on the ground. In its native environments of Italy, Greece and western Turkey, it occurs on rocky hillsides, but is easily grown in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. ... Learn More


    (20 seeds)


    Between March and May this small bulbous plant from the Middle East has fleshy, mid green, lance like leaves and bears numerous short stems of pale-rimmed dark, inky-blue flowers. It prefers a very well drained soil in full sun and a dry summer dormancy or baking in the ground, making it ideal for a hot bank, scree or rockery in areas where summers may be wet. Will naturalise where happy. Also make a lovely pot plant! ... Learn More


    (15+ seeds)


    From April onwards, tight conical clusters of pale blue buds open into compacted spikes of flared, waxy white flowers, each flower bell having attractively contrasting navy blue anthers. These flowers have an attractive fragrance which is especially noticeable in the evening. This lovely little plant should be grown more often but is rare in cultivation. ... Learn More


    (15+ seeds)

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