Tropical & Exotic Seeds

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Displaying seeds 151 - 165 of 227 in total

    The luffa sponge, also known as loofah, vegetable sponge or running okra is a quick-growing climbing plant producing fascinating fruits. Normally these rather resemble long, ridged cucumbers, slightly fatter at one end, and growing to 30 to 40 centimetres long, but we offer the rarer smooth-skinned variety. Whilst the young fruits are edible, the mature ones can be boiled or dried to remove the flesh, revealing the intricate network of tough fibres that make it so useful in the bath! Grown up fences or trellis in a warm sheltered site or in a greenhouse they fruit in around 16 weeks from plan ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Yellow-brown fragrant flowers form on racemes up to 6cm long, with male and female flowers growing on separate trees. Forming a bush to a small or medium sized tree, it has a trunk which is fluted and irregular at the base and grey bark which is smooth, or with occasional wrinkles or corky bumps. It has long been in use as a traditional medicinal tree in India and is also a source of Kamala dye which is used in colouring silk and wool, and finally is used as an anti-oxidant for ghee and vegetable oils. Its home is south east Asia, Afghanistan and Australia. ... Learn More


    (20+ seeds)


    The giant of the family carrying massive, deeply-cut grey leaves. Bizarre, brownish flowers produce inflated seedpods in late summer. Often cut down by frost but sprouts again from the base. "Melianthus has probably the most beautiful large foliage of any plant that can be grown out of doors in these islands". (G.S.T.) ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Individual plants grow to between 3-7 m high, but can reach up to 12 m, with leaves around 3 m in length and 90 cm in width. As the leaves are coloured red on their underside with shoots growing from a creeping, elongated, underground rhizome. The plants thrive best in shade or filtered sun, as intense direct sun can damage the leaves. Unusually, this wild banana has pink fruits and in its native south-east Asia, they are an important wild food source for Asian elephants .This species is increasingly under threat in the wild commercial agriculture is now clearing much of the irreplaceable ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    A superb, almost hardy, new species of ornamental banana from the Himalayas. The strong vigorous leaves are often tinged with ruby red tints. Very hardy and wind tolerant. Ideal for a large container or border. ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)


    This quick growing banana from the Himalayas has a grey stem, with new leaves being tinged red on the underside, darkening to green as they grow further. Flowering in July with beautiful red flowers, the edible fruits are then produced in October of the same year. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    A most attractive dwarf banana with red-midribbed shiny green leaves. Strikingly bright pink, red and orange flowers finally produce bright pink fruits. A superb specimen for a garden in hot countries or a large pot elsewhere. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    A very rare and stunningly attractive plant originating from Madeira. However, unlike the similar and equally lovely michauxias, this plant is perennial. After a year or two building up energy to perform, the hairy rosette explodes into a firework display of numerous branching stems carrying greenish-yellow bells. Everyone who sees it finds it remarkable. ... Learn More



    Large, luscious, pink tipped waxy petals adorn the famous "Sacred Lotus", a magnificent aquatic perennial. Amazingly, unlike other water lilies, both the flowers and leaves are able to grow upwards above the water for a considerable height, on strong stiff stems, accentuating their amazing beauty! In addition, the sizeable peltate leaves have a remarkable water repellent characteristic that serves as a self-cleaning mechanism, the whole plant making an interesting and noteworthy addition to any pond. Although it has been long-considered a close relative of the Water Lily, a noticeable differen ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)


    This amazing exotic tree produces branched aerial roots which arise from the lower trunk. Terminal sprays of long, attractive, dark green leaves, which can be more than 2 meters long, have sharp curved prickles on the margin and the midrib. Several incredible golden-yellow flower spathes, the lowest being up to 1 m long, produce the compound cone-like fruit consisting of several fleshy drupes, bright orange-red when ripe, and up to 15-25 cm long. Found in Nepal and Sikkim, at altitudes of 700-1000 m, the flowers are traditionally worn by girls in their hair to win their lovers, and it is repu ... Learn More


    (3 seeds)


    Attractive white and purple flowers produce unusual fruits which become dark violet as they mature, but they are definitely not edible like many other passifloras and contain toxic chemicals. Large-lobed leaves add to its attraction, and these have most unusual hooked trichomes which help them to climb, and also makes them adhere to clothes similar to velcro! Once the plant is of sufficient size, flowering can be stimulated by frequent pruning. Originating from Central America, Mexico, and Peru, it must be grown in a sheletered spot or even a large container. ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)


    White, purple and lavender sweetly-perfumed flowers are followed by small fruits on this slender, tendriled climbing plant which has unlobed, three pointed leaves resembling the leaves of an Alder tree. It is native to montane rainforests and cloud forests of the Andes mainly in Colombia and Ecuador between 1700 to 3200 m. and therefore, coming from altitude, does well in temperate conditions which are neither too hot in summer or too cold in winter. This plant will provide nectar and pollen for bees, butterflies and the many other types of pollinating insects. ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)


    Beautiful, tubular, deep pink-red flowers flare open on strong, superfast-growing stems, which can reach up to 20m in height, and are clad with trilobed leaves. Later appear the large, round, fleshy, sweet and aromatic yellowish fruits. This rare and vigorous evergreen climber comes from cool, high elevation Andean cloud forests in southwestern Colombia and in Ecuador between 2200 and 3600 m. It is therefore well adapted to cool conditions, and will grow in many warm temperate climates, although in frosty weather leaves and shoots will be cut back, but will regrow from the base in spring. B ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)


    This vigorous climber has deeply 3-lobed leaves, climbing tendrils, and purple-centred frilly white flowers, followed by a heavy crop of purple, edible fruit. It is native to Paraguay, Brazil and parts of Argentina and although it is half hardy, it may be killed off down to the ground in hard winters, but reliably re-grows from the roots next spring. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    From Colombia and Ecuador comes this rare and seemingly newly-discovered, profusely-flowering Passiflora, which opens saucer-shaped, strawberry-red flowers, white at the bases, with short blue and white coronas, and prominent yellow anthers. Whilst red-flowered ones have been available for a long time, this combination is unique. This evergreen to semi-evergreen vine dies back to the ground in colder areas, but will return reliably if well mulched or planted in a sunny location. The fruit is fragrant, smelling like a cross between the purple passion fruit and banana passion fruit, and may be ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)

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