Tropical & Exotic Seeds

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Displaying seeds 181 - 195 of 224 in total

    Exotic, flaring, lime-green bells, loved by butterflies and bees, open on stiff upright stems which erupt in early spring from relatively small rosettes of thick, spiny foliage. This Bolivian plant is probably the quickest to bloom of all puyas, often in only a year after planting, whereas some puyas can take several years to blossom. In addition it is completely drought tolerant and is quite incredibly frost hardy if kept well-drained and dry. ... Learn More



    From 3,000 species of Bromeliads (the pineapple family) this one is the king! After many years of growing a huge rosette of slender leaves, a massive stalk erupts, which can rise to more than 5 metres, and contain countless thousands of ivory-white flowers, each creamy-white blossom being 2 inches (5 cm.) wide, with bright orange anthers. These gorgeous flowers , for a short time, will attract hordes of pollinating insects and butterflies, as well as hummingbirds in warmer climes! It comes from the cool Andean highlands, at about 13,000 feet, so is believed to be frost-tolerant down to about ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)


    Spires of almost wax-like, deep reddish-violet flowers arise from a large rosette of saw-toothed leaves when mature. Plant in a wall, bank or well-drained position. ... Learn More


    (150+ seeds)


    This famous Banana relative is not a palm at all, despite its common name, and is a popular ornamental in tropical regions. The leaf arrangement gives the entire plant the appearance of a huge fan. The Madagascan Travelers Palm derives its name from its capacity to hold water in the leafbases for long periods of time after a rainfall, allegedly providing water for weary travellers, even during a drought. Once germinated, the resulting plant is VERY fast growing. The waxy, blue seed cover should be removed just prior to sowing for better results. High daytime temperatures may help to trigger fa ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Open racemes of very large, tubular, deep pink flowers with yellow throats, open in early summer on this rarely-seen plant, which bears rough, palmate leaves. It is perennial in a sheltered spot with good drainage, but is perhaps better enjoyed in a large container which is kept frost-free. ... Learn More



    This award-winning, superb companion plant to 'Carmencita' has eye-catching, red-stemmed, dark green foliage on red stems that have a silver shine, and bears from June to October flowers that are followed by dazzling, highly ornamental, deep pink seed pods. In warmer countries it makes a beautiful quick-growing tree but in cooler climes makes an attractive solitary plant for border or container, and in mild areas can survive the winter. ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)


    Huge, bright green, shiny leaves adorn this lovely thick-trunked Cretian form of the "Castor Oil Plant". This is the quite rarely offered, true wild form, bearing dazzling, bright red flower buds and seed pods amongst large dark green leaves. If grown in warm climates it will ultimately make a sturdy tree. Please note that these seeds are extremely poisonous if eaten. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This striking compact variety of the fast growing caster oil plant will add drama to any border or bed and is ideal as a screen or can be grown in a pot. It has attractive large dark red, metallic palmate leaves with deeply incised lobes. Bright, eye-catching spikes of small scarlet flowers which are attractive to bees and butterflies are followed by prickly seed capsules. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This selected form of Ricinus, the "Castor Oil Plant", has brighter red leaves and seed heads than many other forms, the deep red/bronze shiny leaves only producing their strongest leaf colour when in full sun and as it matures, and please note, the first few leaves will just be green! This absolutely stunning plant will in time grow into a tree in warmer countries. Please note that these seeds are extremely poisonous if eaten. ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)


    The national tree of Cuba is a spectacular palm tree and according to some authorities is probably the most beautiful palm in the world. Unlike most other palms, the Royal Palm tree will grow rapidly if they are well watered and fertilized. Their straight, flag-pole like gun metal-grey trunks are striking, and the deep green crownshafts make for a very tropical, elegant look. native to southern Florida, Mexico and parts of Central America, Roystonea regia has been planted throughout the tropics and subtropics as an ornamental plant and in addition the seed is used as a source of oil and for li ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This is a tall, single stemmed, slow growing palm from the South-eastern states of the US, and has compact, spherical heads of many fan-shaped leaves to 2m long. A sub-tropical or warm temperate palm, they require a hot humid climate in the summer to grow well but they are nonetheless very hardy and in the winter are capable of surviving temperatures down to at least -14 C. A very tough and hardy palm all round, being tolerant to both salt, wind and poor drainage, making it suitable for coastal gardens. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This stunning plant unfolds its spathe revealing an intense, prominent black spadix, while the spathe continues to fold back, displaying its internal pattern of rich purplish brown and yellow with a distinctly velvet sheen. It is one of the very hardiest of all the exotic aroids, thriving in most British gardens and in a warm sunny spot, it is truly tropical-looking with extravagant exotic foliage. With its elongated poker-like tip and bulbous egg-timer shaped base, all resting on a short white lilac spotted stalk, it looks not unlike the horns of some emerging subterranean devil. The spathe c ... Learn More


    (3 seeds)


    This stunning plant unfolds its spathe revealing an intense, prominent black spadix, while the spathe continues to fold back, displaying its internal pattern of rich purplish brown and yellow with a distinctly velvet sheen. It is one of the very hardiest of all the exotic aroids, thriving in most British gardens and in a warm sunny spot, it is truly tropical-looking with extravagant exotic foliage. With its elongated poker-like tip and bulbous egg-timer shaped base, all resting on a short white lilac spotted stalk, it looks not unlike the horns of some emerging subterranean devil. The spathe c ... Learn More


    (3 seeds)


    Clusters of bright-pink pom-pom flowers, between 1-2 cm across, are dotted with yellow from the prominent anthers on this trailing vine, and are quite remarkable. The spiny pink or green stems and touch-sensitive foliage that folds up, (rather like the "Sensitive Plant" Mimosa pudica), make this a quite intriguing plant to display in a conservatory in cooler climates, or trained along an outside wall in warmer and more temperate zones. It is native to the central USA and is named for Thomas Nuttall, an English botanist who resided in the US for many years. ... Learn More


    (20 seeds)


    This rare and amazing giant tree-daisy comes from the high mountains of Madeira where it makes thick trunks. Huge rosettes of serrated leaves grow on the end of stout branches, the large clumps of golden flowers appearing in spring and early summer. Makes an amazing spectacle in a sheltered garden ... Learn More


    (50+ seeds)

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