Tropical & Exotic Seeds

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    Huge, bright green, shiny leaves adorn this lovely thick-trunked Cretian form of the "Castor Oil Plant". This is the quite rarely offered, true wild form, bearing dazzling, bright red flower buds and seed pods amongst large dark green leaves. If grown in warm climates it will ultimately make a sturdy tree. Please note that these seeds are extremely poisonous if eaten. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This selected form of Ricinus, the "Castor Oil Plant", has brighter red leaves and seed heads than many other forms, the deep red/bronze shiny leaves only producing their strongest leaf colour when in full sun and as it matures, and please note, the first few leaves will just be green! This absolutely stunning plant will in time grow into a tree in warmer countries. Please note that these seeds are extremely poisonous if eaten. ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)

  3. RICINUS IMPALA seed image


    Ricinus communis 'Impala', commonly known as Impala Castor Bean, is a striking ornamental plant prized for its bold, exotic appearance. This compact cultivar features deeply lobed, glossy bronze-red leaves that create a dramatic contrast in the garden. Its architectural form is complemented by bright red seed pods that emerge in summer, adding both texture and color to borders, containers, or tropical-themed landscapes. Growing quickly to a manageable height of 4–5 feet, Ricinus 'Impala' thrives in full sun and well-drained, fertile soils. While highly decorative, gardeners must note that a ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)



    Ricinus communis 'Zanzibarensis', commonly known as Zanzibar Castor Bean, is a towering ornamental plant that adds bold, tropical flair to any garden. Renowned for its massive size, this cultivar can reach heights of up to 15 feet in a single growing season, making it an excellent choice for dramatic focal points or screening. Its huge, deeply lobed, palmate leaves are green with a slight bronze tint, creating a lush, jungle-like effect. Bright red seed pods emerge in mid to late summer, providing additional visual interest. This fast-growing plant thrives in full sun and well-drained, fert ... Learn More


    (4 seeds)


    This is a tall, single stemmed, slow growing palm from the South-eastern states of the US, and has compact, spherical heads of many fan-shaped leaves to 2m long. A sub-tropical or warm temperate palm, they require a hot humid climate in the summer to grow well but they are nonetheless very hardy and in the winter are capable of surviving temperatures down to at least -14 C. A very tough and hardy palm all round, being tolerant to both salt, wind and poor drainage, making it suitable for coastal gardens. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This stunning plant unfolds its spathe revealing an intense, prominent black spadix, while the spathe continues to fold back, displaying its internal pattern of rich purplish brown and yellow with a distinctly velvet sheen. It is one of the very hardiest of all the exotic aroids, thriving in most British gardens and in a warm sunny spot, it is truly tropical-looking with extravagant exotic foliage. With its elongated poker-like tip and bulbous egg-timer shaped base, all resting on a short white lilac spotted stalk, it looks not unlike the horns of some emerging subterranean devil. The spathe c ... Learn More


    (3 seeds)


    This stunning plant unfolds its spathe revealing an intense, prominent black spadix, while the spathe continues to fold back, displaying its internal pattern of rich purplish brown and yellow with a distinctly velvet sheen. It is one of the very hardiest of all the exotic aroids, thriving in most British gardens and in a warm sunny spot, it is truly tropical-looking with extravagant exotic foliage. With its elongated poker-like tip and bulbous egg-timer shaped base, all resting on a short white lilac spotted stalk, it looks not unlike the horns of some emerging subterranean devil. The spathe c ... Learn More


    (3 seeds)


    Clusters of bright-pink pom-pom flowers, between 1-2 cm across, are dotted with yellow from the prominent anthers on this trailing vine, and are quite remarkable. The spiny pink or green stems and touch-sensitive foliage that folds up, (rather like the "Sensitive Plant" Mimosa pudica), make this a quite intriguing plant to display in a conservatory in cooler climates, or trained along an outside wall in warmer and more temperate zones. It is native to the central USA and is named for Thomas Nuttall, an English botanist who resided in the US for many years. ... Learn More


    (20 seeds)


    This rare and amazing giant tree-daisy comes from the high mountains of Madeira where it makes thick trunks. Huge rosettes of serrated leaves grow on the end of stout branches, the large clumps of golden flowers appearing in spring and early summer. Makes an amazing spectacle in a sheltered garden ... Learn More


    (50+ seeds)



    This moderately-sized, columnar cactus to 4 m tall produces a candelabra-like crown, branching from the base into several slender, ridged, moderately armed, bluish green stems to 10 cm in diameter. The scented flowers open at night and are followed by round, greenish to reddish fruits with edible flesh. Stenocereus stellatus is native to central Mexico where it grows in hot, dry tropical woodlands and thornscrub between 500 and 2100 m. In cultivation it adapts well to dry tropical and warm temperate climates in USDA Zones 9 and above. In Mexico it has a long history of cultivation and is widel ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Red flowers grow into huge, very pretty, five-sectioned seed pods with red interiors, which can reach 12 cm in diameter and open along one side to release up to 40 very large, shiny, black edible seeds. This large deciduous tree with an attractive buttressed trunk is found in disturbed, evergreen forests from India to Burma and Malaysia. ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)


    Rarely offered. Spectacular orange and dark blue flowers open from May to October on thick strong stems. This rare and very striking feature plant varies from the normal variety, having upright cylindrical, rush-like leaves, without a leaf blade. This species is said to be one of the most frost resistant of the five in the genus in southern Africa, (the other four being S. alba, S. nicolai, S. reginae and S. caudata). Indigenous to South Africa, this exceptionally-evolved drought resistant form of Strelitzia occurs sparingly near Uitenhage, Patensie and just north of Port Elizabeth, where it i ... Learn More


    (3 seeds)


    "Giant White Bird of Paradise". Huge black and white flowers open on this rare member of the banana family. It is often seen abroad in hotel gardens where it grows to a great height., whilst in the UK it makes an impressive large-leaved plant for a pot in the conservatory. Large seeds resemble little puppets' heads with orange hair! ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)


    One of the world's most unusual and attractive plants, the ever-popular "Bird of Paradise Flower" has spectacular orange and dark blue blooms on thick stems, above most attractive, leathery, banana-like leaves. In colder countries it does best in a large pot when it should be re-potted annually as it grows. In warmer climes it makes impressive evergreen clumps in the garden. ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)


    These beautiful blooming trees put on a brilliant display of a multitude of two to three-inch-long, fragrant, golden yellow, trumpet-shaped blooms borne in terminal flower clusters. The gorgeous silvery leaves often drop just before the flowers appear making the spectable even more amazing. Deeply-furrowed silvery bark on picturesque, contorted branches and trunk adds even more to its grandeur. Although it thrives only in warmer climates, it can be also be grown in containers, especially small ones, which eventually can turn the tree into a large bonsai specimen. It is native to South Americ ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)

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