Tropical & Exotic Seeds

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    Enormous, slightly fragrant, pendulous, yellow-veined orange trumpet flowers hang in substantial numbers from branches clad in large, soft, slightly hairy leaves. Easy to care for, it is a robust flowering shrub, native to the Andes mountains in South America. In cultivation it makes a truly impressive specimen either in the garden in warmer climes, or in a very large pot elsewhere. For centuries, South American shamans have used the Angel Trumpet plant for various rituals and healing techniques....we do not advocate this though.. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    A large, fast growing shrub with soft branches, large and soft furry leaves, long, trumpet-shaped, golden yellow flowers. Originally native to high altitudes in the Andes between 2000 and 3000 m (6600 and 9800 ft.) from Colombia to Bolivia, it is a popular ornamental that adapts to a range of warm-temperate climates. Prefers full sun. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Known as the Brazilian white variety of these impressive plants, this form is slightly bushier than many with a shorter-growing but very floriferous habit. The huge, very fragrant, brilliant white flowers are also often held at an angle rather than being pendulous, showing off the flared throat. They also make superb conservatory specimens to fill the house with perfume every evening. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    The very best yellow variety of these impressive plants, this form being slightly more bushy than many with a shorter-growing but very floriferous habit. The huge, very fragrant, bright lemon yellow flowers are also often held at an angle rather than being pendulous, showing off the flared throat. They also make superb conservatory specimens to fill the house with perfume every evening. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Enormous trumpet-flowers open white before ageing to pink, peach or apricot, and are often between 12 and 15 inches long, the longest of all brugmansias. These incredible specimens produce some of the largest flowers you will ever see, on one of the world's most spectacular plants and these will pour out volumes of rich daffodil perfume. They can withstand a wide range of temperatures including slightly below freezing, but a moderate frost will damage the plant in colder climates. They also make superb conservatory specimens to fill the house with fragrance every evening. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This is a seed collection of very many easy to grow cacti, all ideally suited to window sills, sun rooms or greenhouses. Although quite slow to grow the first year, they can live for very many years on a hot window sill when they will not suffer from the occasional drying out or even a baking in the hot summer's sun! Indeed, this often stimulates these amazing plants into flowering, when they can produce the most beautiful, strikingly-coloured flowers. ... Learn More


    (20 seeds)


    Beautifully fringed, orange and red blooms cover this magnificent, West Indian shrub which has most attractive deeply divided foliage. In a warm country or very well-protected UK garden or a conservatory, it makes one of the most spectacular plants you can ever be lucky enough to grow. ... Learn More


    (15 seeds)


    The attractive osier-like Rattan palm, a climbing palm, has pale yellow fruits, about 0.5 cm across, resembling small, pointed cones, arranged in a raceme. These are often known as “canella berries” in the potpourri trade. It is alsothe source of “palm spirals,” either as a tubular spiral or pyramidal spiral, the individual stems 0.5-1 cm wide, the entire spirals 5-10 cm high. It is widely cultivated In India and Australia but in the wild is native to Indonesia, Java and Bali in Indonesia; Peninsular Malaysia; all parts of Thailand; Cambodia; Cochinchina and Central Annam in Vietnam; all part ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)



    Calliandra calothyrsus, commonly known as Red Calliandra or Powderpuff, is a fast-growing, thornless shrub or small tree native to the humid and sub-humid regions of Central America and Mexico. It typically reaches heights of 4–6 meters but can attain up to 12 meters under optimal conditions. The plant features a dense canopy with bipinnate, feathery leaves that fold together at night. Its most striking characteristic is the profusion of bright red, powderpuff-like flowers composed of numerous long stamens, which attract pollinators such as bees and hummingbirds. Thriving in full sun to par ... Learn More


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    One of the world's most fabulously fragrant trees, frilly yellow flowers pour out sweet perfume all summer long. Best grown in the tropics and sub tropics, this gorgeous, fast-growing plant can be successfully grown and flowered in a conservatory in cooler climates. The essential oil derived from the flowers, which last a long time after being cut, is used in aromatherapy and perfumes. When we made a visit, just one specimen of this incredible tree perfumed the whole of the Miami Botanical Gardens at Palm Beach. ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)


    Purple shoots extend and grow into branching stems covered with toothy lance shaped leaves which will scramble along the ground or through other plants, or even can be tied to a fence or trellis. Huge and quite tremendous three inch long, gorgeously-marked orange-red bells then open, which are followed by walnut-sized orange fruits! This awesome and very rarely offered campanula relative, is endemic to the cloud forests of the Canary Islands. It needs a hot, well-drained, frost-free position in the garden, or even better, a large container indoors in colder countries. ... Learn More


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    This multi-purpose fruit and also herbal medicinal tree is native to Southeast Asia where it has a variety of uses. For fruit production, because it is a dioecious species, both male and female forms need to be grown, the large, fleshy, rather olive-like fruits being eaten fresh, salted or in syrup. In addition, a black dye obtained from the fruits is used for making ink. Finally, the wood is soft and light in weight, and is often used for making lightweight furniture and plywood. Very few enormous seeds are ever available. ... Learn More


    (1 seeds)


    A rare plant and one of the very few cannas which is both attractive and can be easily grown from seed. An almost endless procession of delicate red-tipped yellow flowers is produced, each of which forms a most intriguing inflated seed pod. This grows numerous hairy appendages which finally fall off to signify that the large, rock-hard, black seeds are ripe. ... Learn More


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    This native of the Caribbean and tropical Americas has attractive, bright scarlet flowers on stout stems above broad, handsome leaves. The seeds are small, globular, black pellets, hard and heavy enough to sink in water, and which resemble shotgun pellets giving rise to the plant's common name of Indian Shot. They are reputedly hard enough to shoot through wood and still survive and later germinate and according to the BBC, during the Indian Mutiny of the 19th century soldiers used these seeds when they ran out of bullets. Although not carrying the largest flowers of this group, this one is pr ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)

  15. CANNA JAEGERIANA seed image


    This large Canna species is a striking plant with large ovate leaves resembling a banana plant, a native to forests in South America and the Caribbean, found at moderate altitudes up to 2000m. In late summer terminal inflorescence with small orange-red flowers followed by round, fuzzy, light-yellow fruits appear. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)

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