Tropical & Exotic Seeds

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Displaying seeds 76 - 90 of 227 in total

    This universally popular, relatively dwarf palm, most often grown as a houseplant, produces masses of attractive light green fronds on slender, arching stems. An elegant plant, easy to look after, with excellent air purifying qualities, it is undemanding in terms of light, water, temperature, humidity and feed, making it perfect for those of us that like low-maintenance room-mates. On NASA’s list of 50 Indoor plants that clean the air, it is perfect for filtering and purifying stagnant air, and is a popular choice for growing in the work place, and indeed is one of the most heavily sold housep ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Potted bamboo palms bring color and warmth to any room in the house. There are many to choose from, but most need bright indirect light in order to thrive. However, this unusual palm is an exception to this rule and will grow in low light conditions, although they will grow taller with more light. Indeed it is also remarkably tolerant of dry air as well as low light levels. It grows as a clustering clump of stems, each ringed similarly to bamboo, and from which the common name Bamboo Palm arises, each stem being topped by an open crown of delicate feathery leaves, usually to 50cm long. ... Learn More


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    This incredible plant looks tropical, but is in fact perfectly ok with non-tropical conditions. Indeed, It is one of only two palms native to Europe and copes happily with British weather. Cold temperatures, wind and drought won’t phase it. One has thrived, unprotected on a north facing hillside in our gardens in Southern England for more than 30 years, and we have had minus 12C at times. It is one of the most cold-hardy palms and is used frequently in landscaping in colder countries. In the wild, it grows mainly in southwestern Europe, especially in Spain and Portugal. It provides an exotic f ... Learn More


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    Usually a pale green to yellow when ripe, this amazing fruit is much larger than a grapefruit, with sweet flesh and thick spongy rind. By far the largest citrus in the world, the pummelo can reach 12" in diameter. Similar in appearance to a large grapefruit, it is native to South and Southeast Asia and is a natural citrus fruit, not a hybrid, and is indeed one of the original citrus species from which the rest of cultivated citrus were produced by hybridisation. The pummelo tree itself bears most attractive white flowers and generally has a somewhat crooked trunk and low, irregular branches. ... Learn More


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    A fascinating and very valuable multi-branched evergreen shrub, boasting showy terminal clusters of yellow flowers with long stamens, that radiate from each flower and protrude outwards. The flowers and the seed pods appear at the same time making an unusual and most attractive sight. Flowering period is from winter into late summer giving a superb period of blossom. Easy-to-grow in almost any aspect, and very undemanding, it provides sweet nectar for pollinating insects over a very long period! ... Learn More


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    Coffea arabica, commonly known as Arabica coffee, holds an esteemed status as one of the most cultivated and consumed coffee species globally. As a member of the Rubiaceae family, this evergreen shrub has played a pivotal role in shaping coffee culture, renowned for its exceptional flavor profile. Arabica coffee is characterized by its elegant growth habit, featuring dark green, glossy leaves that provide a lush backdrop to its cherries. The leaves are arranged in pairs on opposite sides of the stems. The plant exhibits a more delicate and nuanced flavor profile compared to its counterpart, ... Learn More


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    Coffee is one of the world's favourite drinks, and also one of the most important commercial crop-plants, and actually the second most valuable international commodity. Coffee trees can be grown outside anywhere there is a subtropical climate, although they make an attractive specimen and talking point as a pot plant in cooler climes. Arabica coffee is accepted as the best of all forms and this variety is "Ethiopia Sidamo", a type grown exclusively in the Sidamo Province of Ethiopia. It produces small greyish beans, and is especially valued for its deep, spicy wine, or chocolate-like taste and ... Learn More


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    Coffea Arabica Cattura is a dwarf coffee variety that is said to have been discovered in a plantation in Brazil. It is popular in Central and South America for its modest size to less than 2 m tall and its tolerance of full sun. Plants generally start flowering when only 30 cm tall. The coffee plant is originally native to the humid montane forests of Ethiopia and South Sudan but today it is cultivated in many other parts of the world. Coffee trees can grow outside in a subtropical climate, or provide an attractive pot plant and talking point in cooler climes. ... Learn More


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  9. New


    Coffea arabica 'Obata', A Distinctive Coffee Cultivar with Exceptional Attributes. A remarkable cultivar within the Coffea arabica species, celebrated for its unique attributes and exceptional qualities. This coffee plant has gained recognition for its potential in producing high-quality beans and its adaptability to various growing conditions. The 'Obata' cultivar showcases a well-balanced growth habit, combining a moderate height (1.8 to 2.4 meters) with a bushy and branching structure. The glossy, elliptical leaves contribute to the plant's overall lush appearance. 'Obata' exhibits a ... Learn More


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  10. New


    Coffea arabica 'Villa Sarchi', A Boutique Coffee Variety with Distinctive Character, a noteworthy cultivar within the Coffea arabica species, cherished for its unique qualities and exceptional flavor profile. As a member of the Rubiaceae family, this coffee plant stands out for its compact size, making it a favored choice for boutique coffee production. Like other Coffea arabica varieties, 'Villa Sarchi' produces fragrant, white flowers that precede the formation of coffee cherries. These cherries, which contain the coffee beans, transition through stages of ripening, from green to red, pro ... Learn More


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    This quite unique and elegant perennial has arrow shaped leaves of soft velvet green with silver brocade centres, from which tiny, metallic mercury rivers flow down veins to leaf edges for a brilliant effect. Forming a sparkling, creeping ground cover in moist to wet soils, or even shallow water, it opens cream spathe flowers, but its leaves are the significant aspect. It also makes an excellent container specimen! ... Learn More


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    A rare, relatively small-growing tree bearing exquisite, bright orange flowers that grow in large cone or cylinder shaped clusters, the fine ferny foliage adding to the artistic appearance. Although growing predominantly in tropical and subtropical gardens it can make a superb specimen in a large pot. Also known by the common name Colville's Glory, it was named for Sir Charles Colville, an ex Governor of Mauritius. ... Learn More


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    Rare and very difficult to source from apparently anywhere in the world, this graceful long-leaved Cordyline from the North Island and the north-western parts of the South Island of New Zealand grows in coastal and lowland scrub and rocky banks. Even in New Zealand it is not especially well-known compared to the much more familiar Cordyline australis and indivisa plants. In mid-summer enormous sprays of white flowers are produced followed by heavy, cucumber-shaped bunches of small round red/purple berries. The leaves are quite different from Cordyline australis being longer and broader in th ... Learn More


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    One of the more compact and stout members of the cordyline family, this rare and unusual member has multiple branches of wide, strappy leaves diverging from the trunk. The large panicles of flowers, followed by white seed capsules, are held stiffly erect above the foliage unlike other species which are pendulous. In New Zealand, it is quite common on the main islands of the Three Kings which are now protected as Nature Reserves. It is very localised and possibly at some risk on Norfolk Island, and is less common south of there, but still rather widespread, especially on remote Murimotu and the ... Learn More


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    This rare and striking smallish species bears deep green rosettes of leaves on branching stems. Very large spikes of spectacular, fragrant purple flowers, white inside, open in mid summer, creating a dazzlingly dramatic effect. The amazing display is followed by heavy clusters of large berries containing hard black seeds. This smallish Cordyline lives in the wild in moist, temperate forests in southern Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia at altitudes of up to 2200m (7200 ft.). It is a tough plant that prefers cool climates and can take windy conditions and considerable freezes. So ... Learn More


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