Annual Flower Seeds

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Displaying seeds 151 - 165 of 314 in total

    Native to the east of the Mediterranean in the Levant, this seldom-seen and easy-to-grow plant has flowers which are truly stunning with their cream petals, purple-hued undersides, and deep burgundy centres. The plant blooms profusely all season, producing a huge number of flowers over the entire plant for all of the summer and well into autumn when it is covered in inflated, attractive, translucent seed pods. It is an easy to grow, very ornamental bedding or border plant, with a compact and good-branching growth habit. It is drought tolerant and also performs well when grown as a container pl ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This lovely poppy from the highlands of Mexico is a perennial whose leaves resemble those of Eschscholzia, being finely divided into many grey-green linear lobes. The flowers are solitary yellow cups formed from four overlapping petals, 5-7 cm across, vaguely resembling the tulip. The long thin fruits are also reminiscent of Eschscholzia. In nature it is typically found at elevations of 1500-2000 meters in the Chihuahuan Desert and south into central Mexico, where it favours rocky habitats, ... Learn More



    In its first year this plant produces an attractive symmetrical, jagged-leafed rosette. The following spring, branching stems arise, holding thick fleshy leaves. Bizarrely attractive, purple-throated, creamy-yellow funnel-shaped flowers open, all beautifully and intricately netted with deepest purple. But beware, the smell of the flowers is supposed to induce giddiness, and in some cultures it is used for ritual and recreational purposes due to its strong hallucinogenic properties. It contains amongst several other drugs, hyoscyamine, hyoscine and scopolamine, and was historically used in co ... Learn More


    (50+ seeds)


    I. umbellata is a small, bushy annual to 30cm, with slender leaves and sweet-scented white, pink, purple or crimson flowers in flattened clusters in late spring and summer. ... Learn More


    (200 seeds)


    Garden balsam is a frost-tender annual. The sparsely branched succulent stems can grow up to 30" tall but frequently exceeds this height in the wild. The vibrant cup-shaped flowers come in various shades of white, pink, red, and a bicolor version. It prefers a moist setting and has a low tolerance for drought conditions. An ideal plant for containers and areas along walks or paths. ... Learn More


    (40 seeds)


    Thin dividing stems form a medium-sized mound which only buds up in late autumn, producing clouds of small, bouncing, bee-like yellow flowers, which appear on thin delicate stems. This is another 'surprise' plant, which only performs late in the year when you are beginning to give up hope of ever seeing a flower! This new-to-cultivation plant was discovered and collected recently on an Himalayan expedition, although it may have originally been an introduction from North America. We recommend that these plants should not be allowed to spread into the countryside. ... Learn More


    (20+ seeds)


    A quite astounding new plant which grows and grows into the summer, and you think "what a waste of space, a huge leafy, shrubby bush with no buds". But then comes the surprise! Thousands of tiny buds miraculously inflate and finally open in late August. Throughout September and October the plant is a picture, smothered in wide-throated, nodding, canary-yellow throated, palest primrose flowers. And even as I write in mid November, the buds on this absolutely unique treasure are still opening daily! We recommend that these plants should not be allowed to spread into the countryside. ... Learn More


    (45+ seeds)


    The "Himalayan Jewel Orchid" grows on cool forest slopes where it forms a large wide solid mound completely studded with pairs of intriguing, creamy yellow, orchid-like flowers, each with two unequal lips. This new gem will add a tropical air to your garden. ... Learn More


    (100+ seeds)


    A vigorous twining climber (to 2m or 6ft) producing masses of spectacular, striped blue and pink blooms with intricate markings, all as if painted individually. These gorgeous flowers bloom all summer long, transforming your garden with all the dazzling colours of the Venice Carnival. ... Learn More


    (20 seeds)


    Kochia scoparia, commonly known as summer cypress, burning bush, or Mexican fireweed, is an annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the Amaranthaceae family. Native to Eurasia, it has been introduced to various regions around the world and is known for its distinctive appearance and adaptability. Kochia typically grows as a bushy, rounded, or slightly conical plant. It starts with an upright growth habit, but as it matures, it can take on a more spreading and open form. The leaves of Kochia scoparia are small, linear, and alternate along the stems. During the growing season, the foliage is oft ... Learn More


    (200+ seeds)


    If you are looking for something a bit different for your garden, this could be the perfect choice. A fast growing ornamental with beautiful fine, lush green foliage that turns bright red in late summer/autumn. Growing in virtually all soils, it is useful in landscapes when used en-masse, or perhaps try as centre pieces in patio plants, and accents in garden beds and borders. ... Learn More


    (200+ seeds)


    L. trimestris is an upright annual, to 1.2m tall, with rounded, shallowly-lobed leaves and open funnel-shaped flowers to 10cm across. Flowers appear in mid to late summer in shades of pink or white, often with darker veining of the throat. ... Learn More


    (100+ seeds)


    A lovely form of L. trimestris producing an almost endless display of bright pink, four inch wide, trumpet-shaped flowers, prominently veined with deep red-purple towards the centre. This AGM winner is dwarf, bushy and well branched, and is covered in flowers from mid-July to September. In addition, the weather resistant stems with long-stalked, palmately lobed leaves, do not need staking. ... Learn More


    (80 seeds)


    An absolute gem, this new campanula relative was discovered in an Eastern European botanic garden. Large white-eyed violet-mauve star-flowers smother the foliage. Ideal for rock garden or container. ... Learn More


    (70+ seeds)


    A clump forming herbaceous perennial with dark green, toothed, lance shaped leaves, the Shasta Daisy produces huge displays of wonderfully frilly, white, daisy-like blooms with golden centres that perch on upright stems. This eye catching plant is a magnet for bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects. A perfect addition to any perennial border or wildlife garden, excellent in tubs or mixed containers and makes a useful cut flower too. ... Learn More


    (30+ seeds)

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