Perennial Flower Seeds

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Displaying seeds 961 - 975 of 1710 in total

    Reflexed, sweetly-perfumed, nodding flowers, brightest red in colour, are sometimes but not always, delicately spotted with black. Named pumilum for its relatively small size, this rare stem-rooting bulb with leaves that are slender and grassy, is native to Mongolia, eastern Siberia, Korea and northern China. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Heavy heads of glorious, bright, vivid yellow flowers, with, exotic, rather musty perfume, and rust-speckled especially in the throat, arise on shortish, stout stems. This excellent garden plant is happy with both lime and acid soils and is bone hardy and long-lived. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    In early June, dense whorls of slightly silvered compact leaves on shortish, stout stems are topped by glorious, deep orange flowers, rather than the more usual yellow ones, the interior of each flower being rust-speckled, especially in the throat. This form is rarely offered either as seeds or bulbs. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This beautiful plant produces 6 inch long funnel or trumpet shaped, large, white, yellow-throated flowers, flushed purple outside. They are very strongly fragrant, especially at night. The plant is stem-rooting, leaves being borne at irregular intervals on the stem, and in good conditions plants can grow to 2 meters or more, although 1 to 1.5 meters is more common in the garden. This lily was originally discovered by Ernest Henry Wilson in 1903 in western Szechuan in China. ... Learn More


    (15+ seeds)


    Lily regale 'Album' is the pure white form of the classic garden lily opening its trumpet-shaped flowers in June and July, that can number up to fifteen trumpets per stem and all with golden centres and a powerful and delicious scent from its flowers. ... Learn More


    (12 seeds)


    This is an excellent value bag of numerous lily species grown both by ourselves and some very keen lily collectors. It may include species such as L. distichum; henryi, pyrenaicum, regale, and others, all of them very lovely. ... Learn More


    (30+ seeds)


    Carrying a strong fragrance, these pendant 2-3" flowers are straw yellow in colour and occasionally have a few spots. Requiring a well drained but heavy soil with full sun, they dislike being moved. Attractive to bees and butterflies. ... Learn More


    (15 seeds)


    A fabulous rarity making slender stems up to 120 cm tall which are clothed in narrow leaves. Enormous fragrant flowers finally open at the crown, very late in the season and rarely before October or November! When these open the weight of the large white chalices can actually bow the plant, they truly are one of the most glorious autumnal lilies. This superb but rarely encountered Himalayan Lily performs best in nice humus-rich soil in light shade. It is fully hardy and not difficult to grow, but is seldom seen in view of its late flowering season! Make your garden an autumn showpiece. Bulbs a ... Learn More


    (15+ seeds)


    Bright yellow cup-shaped flowers with white-tipped petals give this one the common name of poached egg plant, which will self-seed freely, future generations continuing to appear and naturalise themselves, germinating and flowering at different times. It is native to California and Oregon, where it thrives in wet, grassy habitats. The Royal Horticultural Society has awarded the prestigious Award of Garden Merit (AGM). ... Learn More


    (30+ seeds)


    This evergreen perennial has a compact dome-forming growth habit. It is long-flowering and e excellent for rock gardens or even for cutting and drying. Pale lavender blue, trumpet-shaped flowers to 1/4 inch long are held in bunches on wiry, branched stems. The eliptical leaves are dark green and up to 2 inches long. ... Learn More



    Sprays of tubular, pale violet blooms open in early summer on clumps of leaves which are arranged in rosettes, on this unusual "Sea Lavender" which is ideal for a hot sunny spot. Flowers are tubular with a persistent coloured calyx and a five lobed corolla, and are quite papery in nature, giving them a long flowering period and making them useful for cutting and drying. An unusual plant from the Balearic Islands and Algeria, where it is sometimes found in salt marshes. Very few good seeds collected. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    From a tufted mound of tiny, spathulate leaves arise compact airy spikes of lavender florets which form a small, bristly, bushy shrub. This is a perfect specimen for a trough or dry scree, or a pot in the alpine house. ... Learn More


    (35+ seeds)


    This attractive dwarf plant has attractive, fine-leaved, bluish-green foliage, and from May through to August small spikes of dwarf snapdragons appear, in that most unusual of colours, yellowy-brown, with some being a mix of yellow and mauve! The name actually means 'rust-coloured'! This tiny plant come from Spain and Portugal and technically, although it is a perennial, it often acts as a reseeding annual. ... Learn More



    Sometimes called alpine toadflax, in contrast to other members of the genus, this plant has orange flowers with orange lobes in the centre. It grows well in very poor soil and especially, in the wild, in recently exposed and unconsolidated glacial moraine, where it is found in many mountain ranges in southern and central Europe. These range from the Sierra de Gredos and the Montes de León in Spain to the mountains of the Balkan Peninsula including the Jura mountains Alps, Pyrenees, and central Apennines. ... Learn More


    (60+ seeds)


    A vigorous and most attractive plant forming many rubbery, blue-green leaved spikes of large-spurred yellow flowers, all summer long and indeed up to Christmas in our garden here! ... Learn More


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