Perennial Flower Seeds

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Displaying seeds 961 - 975 of 1869 in total

    A brand new and incredibly bright, dwarf, shining canary-yellow foliage form of Iris foetidissima. Semi-evergreen clusters of golden daggers arise from compact clumps and are astonishingly vivid in very early spring. The pale blue, typical iris flowers open soon after. Seedlings come quite true but very few seeds collected. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    A brand new sport of this lovely bone-hardy garden flower. A single plant appeared in one of our boundary hedgerows bearing the usual blue flowers but also, surprisingly, most decorative and attractive, palest creamy yellow seeds which are almost identical in colour to corn on the cob. These burst open in late autumn, and are brightly displayed into winter, adding an unusual brand-new colour to the autumn garden! It comes rewardingly true from seed, but any new variations can be removed, and protected, when the berries are displayed in its first autumn. Although this lovely variant actually lo ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)


    Distinguished by its lemon-yellow flowers with reddish-brown veins and markings on the falls, Iris forrestii, a member of the normally blue Chrysographes subseries, makes a superb companion with the black form of Iris chrysographes. A rarely offered clumping species from China, Yunnan, Sichuan & Burma, it grows in moist sites flowering in early summer, and is easy and non invasive in the border. ... Learn More



    Plum-scented, reddish-purple flowers with white falls strongly veined with violet, open in June and July. This beardless dwarf spuria iris is native from Spain to Russia and throughout the Caucasus. The name 'Graminea' means 'grass', referring to the grass-like clump of leaves. Few seeds collected. ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)


    Rather resembling a dwarf Iris setosa, this lovely iris has large, reflexed, blue-purple flowers, white-blotched at the centre, and all attractively pencilled in deeper purple, with small standards. It does best with ample moisture, but must have adequate sun to flower well. These plants are native to the coastal states of north-east USA and Canada, where they grow in damp places. ... Learn More



    All of these hardy irises come in the most beautiful shapes and colours. Given a well-drained spot in the garden, they will increase in size for many years, finally making large dazzling clumps. ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)


    This rare and gorgeous plant is the only yellow species amongst the spuria irises, blooming in early summer with large, narrow, reflexed-petalled, lemon-yellow flowers with narrow leaves. It needs neutral to slightly acidic, gritty, well drained soil with plenty of free-flowing water in Spring, and is native to N E Turkey, where it grows in open pine forests at altitude. ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)


    The State Wildflower of Michigan is an attractive miniature iris with showy, deep blue flowers, which open from mid May to early June and are borne singly on short stems which are sometimes no more than two or three inches tall, and are becoming increasingly uncommon in the wild. In the wild Iris lacustris is usually found growing in slightly acidic, moist, sandy, or rocky soils, in sun-dappled, forested openings, often near the lake shore. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    These flowers are usually a rich purple, each fall with a narrow white flash at the base, but they can also be blue, purple or violet and generally have unique colour patterns, often being completely white with attractive markings. They are usually grown in shallow waters and seem to prefer marshy or wet soil, although they also do perfectly well in ordinary soil as long as it does not dry completely out ... Learn More


    (30+ seeds)


    This superb form of Iris laevigata which was selected here and comes pleasingly true from seed, has gorgeous, sumptuous white flowers, heavily painted in deepest navy blue. It is fine in the ordinary garden but outstanding in damp or wet soil. ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)


    Very rarely offered from seed, this semi-dwarf iris from the Pyrenees displays deep blue, six-petalled flowers, with yellow marks in the centre of the lower petals, on short stems from May until July. Also known as The English Iris, Iris latifolia, Iris xiphiodes and Iris anglica, it is a common and attractive iris of the Pyrenees and Northwestern Spain. The leaves are stiff and sword-shaped and are approximately 60 cm long. In the wild, leaves begin growth in early spring, before the snow has entirely melted. ... Learn More


    (15 seeds)


    This neat dwarf plant is found in dry areas ranging from Italy to southern Spain with lemon-yellow and creamy-white flowers. The compact foliage is typical blue-green, slightly curved, and because of its small size it makes an excellent addition to the rock garden or trough. ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)


    This rare and vigorous beauty, both in flower and foliage, that with care can do well in the open garden, opens its palest lilac, almost white flowers, the falls near-white with a yellow centre line, in the early spring. This Juno iris, native to the mountains of Central Asia, has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Sprays of remarkable, frilly, purple-speckled flowers, that have both mottling and deeper purple on the falls, with undulate edges and superb fringed, yellow style crests, open on tall, many-branched stems. This extremely beautiful Himalayan species is only very rarely found or offered in cultivation. It grows from fat rhizomes, and these do not resemble the other irises, such as I.tectorum and japonicum in the Evansia group to which it belongs, but these rhizomes grow and multiply well. It is easy on any sunny, freely drained soil, although it flowers best in cooler, peaty or leafy soils. ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)


    This beardless iris has narrow leaves with deep blue flowers on branched stems and larger hanging falls with a central yellow splash and outstanding deep purple veining. Native in western N America, this lovely plant has been given the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)

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