Climber Seeds

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Displaying seeds 46 - 60 of 105 in total

    This exquisite, woody, evergreen climber from the cold temperate forests of Southern Chile has strong, woody twining stems clad in hairy, leathery, triangular leaves. Trusses of many delicately-perfumed, beautiful, intriguing, purple-throated creamy flowers, flared at the mouth, appear at each leaf axil of the previous year's growth. A very choice and long lived plant making a woody trunk in time. The scent which drifts out may be dismissed at first, but there is something intoxicating about its intensity. ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)

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    Dioscorea brachybotrya, commonly known as the Chinese yam or cinnamon vine, is a unique and versatile perennial plant with a rich botanical heritage. This climbing vine is prized for both its ornamental appeal and its culinary uses. Dioscorea brachybotrya is a vigorous climbing vine that can reach impressive heights. Its heart-shaped leaves and twining stems contribute to its aestheticS, making it a popular choice for vertical gardening and trellises. The plant showcases clusters of small, fragrant flowers, adding a delightful touch to any garden. Native to East Asia, Dioscorea brachybotrya th ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    A vigorous scrambler, perfect for covering an evergreen shrub, with dazzling, pillar-box red, tubular flowers, produced freely from June to October in multi-flowered trusses. Makes a hardy overwintering tuber, but flowers first year from seed. ... Learn More


    (100 seeds)


    The pure orange form of this exotic-looking climber, with wiry stems and sparse, dark, evergreen foliage which acts as a perfect backdrop to its bright orange, tubular flowers. The plants are hardy in mild regions, dying down in winter and reappearing larger and stronger the following year. In very mild, sheltered areas the foliage may remain all winter. Good winter drainage may be the key! So an ideal plant to grow up through the base of a tree. ... Learn More


    (100+ seeds)


    A vigorous scrambler, perfect for covering an evergreen shrub, with red, orange or yellow tubular flowers, produced freely from June to October in multi-flowered trusses. Makes a hardy overwintering tuber, but flowers first year from seed. ... Learn More


    (350 seeds)


    The pale-flowered trumpets of the "Chilean Glory Vine" are perfect for a darker corner where other climbers will sulk. The plants are not hardy but in mild regions they may survive – dying down in winter and reappearing larger and stronger the following year. In very mild, sheltered areas the foliage may remain all winter. Otherwise they should be treated as annuals. ... Learn More


    (25+ seeds)


    This vigorous, astonishingly hardy, evergreen climber has extremely fragrant flowers which can vary from white through pale green to pale purple, and appear in clusters in spring and early summer. Much later, right into early winter, very large, pinkish-purple sausage-shaped fruits ripen. In late winter and spring these split open revealing the seeds held in a mass of edible white jelly. This beautiful, vigorous, evergreen climber has dark green leathery leaves which are composed of three oblong, pointed leaflets held on strong twining stems enabling it to climb. It is native to central China ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)


    This showy climber produces a seemingly endless succession of huge, 10-13 centimetre, white-throated blue trumpets. Plants climb to more than 4.5 metres, producing flowers which open in the morning before fading in the afternoon, from July until October. ... Learn More


    (20+ seeds)


    Morning Glory flowers, aptly named, because they are at their best in the early mornings, each last for just one day - but is replaced the following day by others. So, there is a continual supply of the startling blue flowers on the plant in the growing season. Stems covered with brown hairs bear heart-shaped leaves. It relishes a sunny position, but is quite happy to be planted in dappled shade, as long as there is room for the plant to climb up to the sunlight. But, for top to bottom flowers, a full sun situation is best! It is a perfect ornamental cover for fences, decks, trellises or ot ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)


    A vigorous climber that thrives in the summer heat, 'Grandpa Ott's' is an old heirloom morning glory from Iowa that self-seeds reliably each year. From summer to autumn, the vines produce small, deep purple-blue blooms, each with a red star in its throat, providing a lovely foil for the heart-shaped leaves. The foliage is a beautiful, dense rich green, ... Learn More


    (15 seeds)


    Fiery , star-shaped scarlet flowers open amongst most attractive foliage which is divided into fine slender threads giving a ferny appearance. Vigorous and fast-growing, it flowers all summer long, right into autumn, and is a perfect food plant for butterflies and other pollinating insects. Give it room to grow and watch it head for the sky! ... Learn More


    (50+ seeds)


    Chile's national flower is a rightful candidate for the world's most beautiful climber. Long, wax-like bell flowers, seven centimetres or more of lipstick red, decorate the twining stems. These vigorous plants prefer shade and need an acidic, lime-free compost, and will grow outside with shelter, and even survive the winter as a tuber if well-drained and protected from severe frost, but better enjoy and preserve their beauty in a shaded conservatory indoors. Very rarely available, we offer freshly-collected seed. This must be sown immediately upon receipt in a cool position. ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)


    A delightful hardy, perennial climber, with the vigour of Lathyrus latifolius and may be a geographical variant, from the Chilean forest edges. Long stemmed sprays of large, delicate, pale icing pink flowers, excellent for cutting, from spring to late summer. ... Learn More


    (20 seeds)


    This lovely native of Turkey and Asia Minor produces masses of unusual flowers in the most amazing colours.....lime-green shading to yellow. It grows very rapidly when well-fed, and quickly scrambles up any available hedge or support, or lacking these will make a large mound! This rarely-offered green-flowered variety has also been sold under the name "lemonade". Although it does best from an autumn sowing it can be sown at any time. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    A collection of many climbing and shrubby species, mainly perennial, but including some lovely annuals. Species include: Lathyrus sativus albus; L. sylvestris; L. vernus; L. vernus albo rosea along with others collected from our garden in small quantities. ... Learn More


    (30+ seeds)

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