Tree & Shrub Seeds

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    The "Himalayan Coralberry" is a cool growing compact bush from the eastern Himalayas bearing dark green leaves with undulate margins. Profuse, star-shaped, white to pale pink flowers in early summer produce many berries in autumn and throughout winter and early spring, which remain on the plant giving it a very decorative look, making it ideal for growing as a pot plant for indoors, although it can stand mild frosts. Though not usually grown as a fruit crop, the berries, which have have a mild sweet taste, are edible and children are very fond of them. ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)


    This is thought to be the world's healthiest fruit! The berries, with very few seeds, should be very ripe indeed before they are eaten, and have a strong, delicious, and quite unique taste. But its most popular use is in juices, sauces, smoothies and summer puddings! Incredibly tough and hardy, it is long-lived, easy to grow, and extremely productive, and truly is a fruit of the future! With an amazing three times more xanthocyanins and antioxidants than blueberries and blackcurrants, (allegedly a highest proportion than any other known plant), and also polyphenols, bioflavonoids, tannins and ... Learn More


    (35 seeds)


    These seeds were collected from our own twenty year old plants which were originally grown from seeds collected from the famous Exbury Gardens. Colours come in all shades from pale lemon to deepest red, and every flower is dripping with heady perfume in spring and early summer. ... Learn More



    Collected on our 1994 Chile Expedition (RB94142) and new to cultivation is this dwarf South American equivalent to a New Zealand olearia. A compact evergreen shrublet bearing neat, diminutive, toothed leathery leaves. In July countless small 'shaving-brush' flowers smother its dome, before they become 'snowballs', turning the entire plant white. No-one will guess what this is! ... Learn More



    The legendary 'Upside-Down-Tree' (Adamsonia digitata) makes an intriguing, long-lived bonsai or conservatory plant and is easily grown from seed. In the wild this tree is a valuable food commodity, the huge sausage fruits being the source of cream of tartar. ... Learn More


    (4 seeds)


    A rare and unusual small shrub bearing unusually large, thick, shiny, holly-like leaves and masses of yellow flowers in spring, followed later by shiny black berries. ... Learn More



    This attractive, medium-sized tree of low to medium elevations in the Mountains and adjacent areas in the Piedmont of North Carolina, can sometimes be misidentified as a Cherry tree. In some older tree specimens the bark can develop vertical cracks into irregular scaly plates revealing rough darkish brown bark patterns (unlike most birches). This, however, does not occur in all specimens. The twigs, when scraped, have a strong scent of oil of wintergreen. The trees can also be tapped for syrup in a similar fashion to maples. ... Learn More



    Long arching compact sprays hold tightly packed, deeply fragrant, yellow-eyed, pure white flowers. Most attractive to all pollinating insects, but especially butterflies, the more common blue form was only discovered in the late nineteenth century in central China where it is native to Sichuan and Hubei provinces. Jean-André Soulié, a botanist-missionary, sent seed to the French nursery Vilmorin, and B. davidii entered commerce in the 1890s. It was named for the Basque missionary and explorer in China, Father Armand David, who first noticed the shrub. ... Learn More



    A dwarf variety with subtle Ivory-cream flowers on an upright, but containable habit. Prefers full sun, or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost. Excellent for containers and raised beds for the spring through summer, but can be planted in the border afterwards to enjoy for years to come. Some variation from seed may occur! ... Learn More


    (40+ seeds)


    The "African Butterfly Bush" or "Mountain sage" is a splendid dwarf shrub from the high mountains of Southern Africa where it grows usually above 6,000 feet. Sweetly-scented, creamy-white or sulphur-coloured, orange-centred flowers appear in midsummer and attract many flying insects including bees and butterflies, whilst the wrinkly, narrow leaves are covered in attractive rusty brown hairs. It makes a superb standard in our African garden at Plant World where it survives arctic winters well on a bitterly cold East-facing slope. ... Learn More



    This gorgeous, slow-growing South East Asian native tree opens its bright orange-red flowers, produced in clusters up to 15 cm long, from January to March, when it becomes a tree of flame, an absolute riot of orange and vermilion flowers, which cover the entire crown, massed along the ends of the stalks. Each flower consists of five petals comprising a standard, two smaller wings, and a curved beak-shaped keel, hence the name of "Parrot Tree". Traditionally the flowers were used to make the bright colour for the festival of Holi. In Manipur, when a member of the Meitei community dies and his b ... Learn More


    (3 seeds)


    Spindly, much-dividing branches produce relatively insignificant starry lilac flowers in spring. But after the leaves have fallen in autumn the extremely attractive stunning bunches of bright violet-pink berries persist through into winter, and these are almost certainly the most beautiful of any autumn berry. ... Learn More


    (30+ seeds)


    This spectacular, and unexpectedly hardy shrub, bears dense spikes of flamboyant red bottle-brush flowers that appear in late spring and early summer. Narrow, sharply pointed leaves adorn this dazzling shrub that is possibly the hardiest of all bottle brushes. ... Learn More


    (2000 seeds)


    This exceptionally hardy shrub produces large furry greenish-yellow "bottlebrush" flowers in profusion in spring. An outstanding new colour in the more usually red "bottlebrush" range. ... Learn More



    This rarely seen or offered hardy evergreen plant boasts glossy green, pointed and, predictably, fragrant leaves which are smaller than other camelias. The appearance of delicate pure white flowers, with an enormous central boss of golden anthers, means that this shrub has more to offer than just a refreshing cuppa. If you can grow other varieties of Camellia in your garden chances are you’ll be able to grow this fabulous hardy evergreen shrub. It is the exclusive source of the highly-valued, genuine Darjeeling tea, which is an aromatic black tea, grown in the Darjeeling district of West Benga ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)

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