Tree & Shrub Seeds

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Displaying seeds 106 - 120 of 224 in total

    Probably the best of the popular Christmas hollies, despite its name, this variegated form is a female holly! Holly is dioecious, meaning plants are either male or female, therefore you need to grow several to ensure you get some of the berried females. Males are used purely to cross-pollinate them to ensure plentiful berries are produced! It makes a compact, conical, evergreen shrub that has broad, ovate, friendly and only partly spiny leaves, that are slightly shiny and variegated with dark green and a rich yellow edge. You will various forms and variegations, and it is very hardy, and tole ... Learn More


    (20 seeds)

  2. HORSE CHESTNUT (Aesculus hippocastanum)

    In spring the spectacular trusses of pink and white flowers hang between the huge distinctive leaves, which have five or more long leaflets. The common name "horse-chestnut" originated from the erroneous belief that the tree was a kind of chestnut, (it is only distantly related), and that that eating the fruit cured horses of chest complaints despite this plant being poisonous to horses. In Britain and Ireland, the gorgeous, very large and highly polished seeds (when freshly-collected) are used for the popular children's game conkers, when the seeds are drilled, threaded onto string and used t ... Learn More


    (3 seeds)


    These beautiful dusky-purple-leafed, semi-evergreen, bushy plants have an upright habit, bearing contrasting yellow flowers in mid-summer followed by ornamental clusters of berries that slowly change from pink to red to black. Excellent in cut-flower bouquets, it also has a superb autumn effect. It is best cut back heavily in spring as the darkest leaf colour is displayed on new growth. ... Learn More



    This delightful, diminutive, aromatic shrubby plant is a British native, freely producing from June into autumn its yellow flowers with conspicuous stamens. These are followed by red fruits that turn purple-black when ripe, all above beautiful purple tinged foliage. It grows well and flowers in shade and is very dependable with early summer blooms. ... Learn More


    (100+ seeds)


    Native to north eastern Turkey into Russia, this bone-hardy, fascinating, rare and unusual species has perfoliate, paired, fused leaves clasping the stem, forming a cupped arrangement. Large, golden-yellow flowers with reflexed petals and prominent, very long stamens form a broad pyramidal inflorescence. In a semi-shaded spot in moisture retentive soil it will make a superb specimen. ... Learn More


    (20+ seeds)


    This ever-popular prostrate or low-growing shrub is widely cultivated for its attractive yellow flowers. Although it is widely grown in Mediterranean climates, it is a popular, evergreen hardy shrub throughout the world. In the wild it occurs in the Strandja Mountains along the Bulgarian and Turkish Black Sea coast. ... Learn More


    (50+ seeds)


    This wonderful little evergreen shrublet grows to little more than a foot high and wide, bearing bright green needle-like leaves and terminal clusters of small star-shaped golden yellow flowers in summer. It loves full sun with good drainage and moderate water and makes an excellent rock garden or container plant. ... Learn More



    An exciting variegating-true-from-seed, shrubby, semi-evergreen plant. Spreading branches produce cream-splashed aromatic foliage beneath shiny yellow flowers, which later produce ornamental red, slowly changing to pure black fruits. ... Learn More


    (1000+ seeds)


    This lovely tufted shrub has erect to decumbent stems up to a foot or so in length with golden flowers in small terminal bunches. In the wild it lives in Northern Turkey and the Caucasus in light woodland or among volcanic rocks in the mountains. ... Learn More



    The soothing foliage of Henry’s St. John’s Wort is a pleasant backdrop for the golden yellow flowers borne in summer on this upright, deciduous shrub. The erect, arching branches of this species typically form a vase shape, and are covered with red-brown bark. In midsummer to autumn, loose clusters of starry, cup shaped, golden yellow flowers open at the branch tips where they attract bees and butterflies, and are followed by small, red-tinted, green fruits. ... Learn More



    Grown from seed donated by a Nepalese Botanic Garden, this lovely shrub produces sizeable, bright yellow flowers from velvety red flower buds, amidst dense branches bearing shiny green leaves. A real bone hardy gem, it does well either in sun or part shade. ... Learn More


    (40+ seeds)

  12. New


    Indigofera hirsuta is a deciduous shrub that typically grows to a height of about 1 to 2 meters (3 to 6 feet). It is characterized by its slender, hairy stems and pinnately compound leaves, which are covered in fine hairs, giving the plant a somewhat fuzzy or hirsute appearance. The shrub produces clusters of pea-like flowers that can range in color from pink to purple. These inflorescences are borne at the tips of the branches and create a visually appealing display. The flowering period varies depending on the specific growing conditions and geographic location. The compound leaves consist o ... Learn More


    (20 seeds)


    An amazing plant on all accounts, this spectacular, fast-growing shrub with masses of bright red, trumpet-shaped flowers and soft leaves is closely related to Brugmansias. Over many months throughout the growing year it provides a blistering colour display, the 2 inch (5cm.) trumpet-like flowers hanging in heavy clusters turning this beauty a fiery red. Much sought after, it is native to high cloud forests along the Andes from Colombia to Argentina between 800 and 3500 m. In cultivation this floriferous plant in the "Angel'sTrumpet" family prefers a warm or cool temperate climate, but it is ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Sweetly fragrant, lavender-blue flowers with a curved trumpet shape and a white inner throat that shows only slightly at the base of the upper petals, are formed in abundance in terminal panicles in the late spring and summer. This sub-tropical tree, native to South America, has been widely planted elsewhere because of its beautiful and long-lasting flowers. ... Learn More


    (10+ seeds)


    A rare and stunningly beautiful plant from the colder parts of Chile and also New Zealand. Thin, branching stems with attractive wavy-edged leaves produce clusters of countless delicate orchid-like cream flowers gently marked with yellow and purple, which appear throughout spring and early summer and produce very few dust-like seeds. This delicate plant will stand severe frost in well-drained soil, and will almost always re-shoot from the base when killed back by severe winters. (RHS Award of Garden Merit). ... Learn More


    (20 seeds)

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