All Flower Seeds

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Displaying seeds 241 - 255 of 2551 in total

    Strikingly attractive, long-tailed, neatly pin-striped spathes, open in May and June on mottled, 10 to 15 inch stems with the spoked leaves piercing like parasols above the flowers. It appears rather later than many other species but is an exquisite garden plant being excellent outside in the garden in a half-shaded spot in a humus-rich soil, well drained but moisture retentive. Once established this valuable plant will increase quickly by tuber-bearing stolons and seed. ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)


    This truly spectacular plant rears its glossy spathe hood, which is startlingly striped in purple-brown to maroon and vanilla-cream. From the Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces in China this magnificent plant has an equally attractive leaf made up of many narrow leaflets that radiate out from a central axis, the effect being much like the spokes of an umbrella! ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)


    A long-lived attractive tuberous plant with striking, cobra head-like flowers amidst long-stemmed deeply divided leaves. Later appear the large heads of bright red berries which persist throughout the winter being especially attractive when it snows. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This exciting Himalayan arum relative has most impressive, deeply-cut, hand-like leaves, from which arise the fascinating 'flowers'. A floppy yellow hood-like spathe protects the purple waxy spadix. Very long-lived and bulks up by division of the corms. ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)


    The compact variety of this lovely shade-loving plant opens its flowers in early summer on erect stems bearing most attractive, bright yellow spathes with brown throats, these are yellowish green on the outside and faintly-striped. The two palmate divided leaves are ovate to lance-shaped. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    The "Whipcord Cobra Lily" has a distinctive green whip-like spadix, which is of a considerable length and points skywards. It arises from the mouth of its "jack-in the-pulpit" flower, which flares at the mouth to reveal the pale green, white-striped, interior. This is one of the best in the genus, being also the largest, sometimes growing to more than 6 feet! The blooms appear later in the year than many other varieties, thus prolonging the season of interest, the initially green clustered fruits finally ripening to amazing, absolutely enormous heavy heads of bright red berries late in the ... Learn More


    (15 seeds)


    This favourite of children is best known for its spring to early summer display of hooded, green spathes which are attractively striped with purple. It is actually a tuberous perennial producing one or two insignificant leaves, each divided into three narrow leaflets. Finally, autumn brings clusters of densely packed, showy red berries. ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)


    A fantastic iris relative from southern africa that produces spires of deep violet blue flowers, above clumps of sword shaped leaves. prefering full sun and a free draining position this plant will quickly produce a large architectural display in a border or large container. ... Learn More


    (50 seeds)


    The mountains of South Africa are home to this unusual, bright showy plant which looks like a cross between a giant sisyrinchium and an iris. Sprays of the deepest cobalt blue stars arise from compact iris-like leaves. Long-lived in a well-drained sheltered spot. ... Learn More



    These elegant and unusual climbers bear large, yellow-throated flowers which are intricately marked with reddish-purple and take the form of a "Sherlock Holmes' pipe", and grow from the leaf axils. Once established they are very long-lived. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This tall, hairless slender twiner, native to Brazil, bears extremely outrageous, almost sensuous blooms, which are patterned with a rippling network of burgundy, red, and purple over a creamy-yellow background, the two lips giving an impression of a gaping mouth, the species name 'ringens' meaning snarling in Latin. This rugged and robust vine will also do well in a container with regular watering. If you happen to be going there on holiday, the roots of this plant are well known as an antidote for snake bites in New Granada. But please do not rely on this cure......... ... Learn More


    (15 seeds)


    This dwarf alpine form makes a very dense bun or cushion of needle-like leaves with soft pink balls of flowers, which are held just over the foliage. It thrives in a gravel scree garden, or alpine trough where it can be best admired. RHS AGM winner ... Learn More


    (12+ seeds)

  13. New


    Armeria Maritima 'Morning Star White,' a stunning perennial plant that brings timeless elegance to your garden. With its compact size and pure white blooms, this variety of Sea Thrift is a versatile addition to any landscape. Sea Thrift boasts a neat, mounding habit, reaching a height of 6-8 inches with a spread of 12-18 inches. Its pure white flowers bloom in late spring to early summer, creating a visually striking display. This perennial thrives in full sun and well-drained, sandy soil, making it an excellent choice for various garden settings. Hardy in zones 4-8, the Armeria Maritima 'Mor ... Learn More


    (20 seeds)

  14. New


    Armeria pseudarmeria 'Ballerina Red,' commonly known as Ballerina Red Thrift, adds a burst of vibrant color to your planting. Belonging to the Plumbaginaceae family, this particular variety of thrift is prized for its charming, globe-shaped flower clusters and compact, mounded habit. Originating from the mountainous regions of southern and central Europe. 'Ballerina Red' is named for its striking, globe-shaped flower heads, which appear in late spring to early summer. The flowers, borne on slender stems rising above the grassy foliage, are a brilliant shade of red, creating a visually arre ... Learn More


    (20+ seeds)


    This is thought to be the world's healthiest fruit! The berries, with very few seeds, should be very ripe indeed before they are eaten, and have a strong, delicious, and quite unique taste. But its most popular use is in juices, sauces, smoothies and summer puddings! Incredibly tough and hardy, it is long-lived, easy to grow, and extremely productive, and truly is a fruit of the future! With an amazing three times more xanthocyanins and antioxidants than blueberries and blackcurrants, (allegedly a highest proportion than any other known plant), and also polyphenols, bioflavonoids, tannins and ... Learn More


    (35 seeds)

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